Corrective Action Report

Issue and Milestone Schedule

Date of Submission
First Quarter Update:
Second Quarter Update:
Third Quarter Update:
End of Year Report: 10/21/02

Issue Title

Prison Crowding

Issue ID



Bureau of Prisons

Date First


Original Target for Completion


Current Target for Completion


Actual Date of Completion

Issue Type (Organization Rating)

Material Weakness

Source Title


Date of Source Report


Issue Type (DOJ Rating)

Material Weakness

Issue Description

In 1985 the Bureau's Executive Staff recognized crowding as a material weakness.  The crowding rate grew through 1990 to a high of 69% over the Bureau's rated capacity.  As of  September 30, 2002, the crowding rate was 33% over rated capacity.  The Bureau continues to rely on funding for contract beds and the construction of additional federal facilities to keep pace with a growing inmate population and to gradually reduce our crowding rate, thereby ensuring the manageable operation of the system.

The total Federal Prison Population was 163,436 as of September 30, 2002, reflecting an increase of 6,864 for  FY 2002.

We project the total Bureau population will continue to grow and should reach 192,941 by September 30, 2007.  Through the construction of new facilities and expansion projects at existing institutions, our Long Range Capacity Plan projects a rated capacity of 127,920 beds by September 30, 2007.  Should new construction and expansion plans continue through FY 2007 as planned, crowding is projected to be 33% over the projected rated capacity.

What We Will Do About It

Increase the number of beds in the Bureau to keep pace with the projected increases in the federal inmate population.  Efforts to reach this goal include expanding existing institutions, acquiring surplus properties for conversion to correctional facilities, constructing new institutions, utilizing contract facilities and expanding the use of contract beds, and exploring alternative options of confinement for appropriate cases.

Milestone C:  The projections have changed since publication of the FY 2001 Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act Corrective Action Reports (included as Appendix G in the FY 2001 Accountability Report).  This is due to updated data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, which has indicated that, while the federal inmate population will continue to increase, the rate of growth will be somewhat slower.  The decline in projected inmate population is a result of a reduction in both immigration and drug cases, as well as final absorption into the BOP of the District of Columbia sentenced felon population as mandated by the National Capital Revitalization Act of 1997.


Original Target Date

Current Target Date

Actual Date of Completion

A.  Completed Actions/Events

As of September 30, 2002, the Bureau's population reached 137,527 and was being housed in capacity of 103,262, resulting in a crowding rate of 33%.




B.  Short Term (10/02 - 10/03)

Planning estimates call for a rated capacity of 107,463 to be reached by close of FY 2003.  The crowding rate is projected to be 34% at that time, an increase of 1% for the year.



C.  Longer Term (10/03 and beyond)

Focus the use of limited Community Corrections Center resources to provide relief, as appropriate, to facilities housing low and medium security inmates.

The information below represents inmates housed in Bureau operated facilities.

September 30, 2004
Inmate Population: 151,775
Rated Capacity:       115,941
Crowding Rate:        31%

September 30, 2005
Inmate Population: 160,038
Rated Capacity:       121,294
Crowding Rate:        32%

September 30, 2006
Inmate Population: 165,279
Rated Capacity:      124,624
Crowding Rate:       33%

September 30, 2007
Inmate Population: 170,478
Rated Capacity:       127,920
Crowding Rate:        33%








How We Will Know It Is Fixed

Results are measured as a new institution or expansion project is activated or contract beds are obtained and resulting increases in rated capacity are established.  A corresponding decrease in the crowding percentage rate will also be a tangible measurement of the results.  Progress on construction projects at new and existing facilities can be validated via on site inspections of each facility or by review of monthly construction progress reports.