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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
Hawaii High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
June 2007

Drug Threat Overview

Ice methamphetamine and high-potency marijuana pose the greatest drug threats to the HIDTA region. In fact, methamphetamine and marijuana, respectively, account for the majority of drug treatment admissions in Hawaii, far surpassing treatment admissions for cocaine, heroin, diverted pharmaceuticals, and other dangerous drugs (ODDs). (See Figure 3.) Moreover, the trafficking and abuse of both drugs contribute to the majority of violent crimes and property crimes in the state. Wholesale quantities of ice methamphetamine are transported regularly into the HIDTA region by multistate1 and international drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) for distribution and consumption throughout the state. Most of the marijuana consumed in Hawaii is produced there; however, HIDTA reporting indicates that increasing amounts of high-potency marijuana from California, Oregon, Washington, and Canada are being transported into the HIDTA region by Mexican and Asian DTOs and local criminal groups.

The trafficking and abuse of powder and crack cocaine as well as ODDs and Mexican black heroin are minor and represent low threats to the HIDTA region, while diverted pharmaceuticals represent a growing threat, according to law enforcement officials in the HIDTA region, particularly when compared with other drugs distributed in Hawaii.

End Note

1. Multistate is a term designated by the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) to describe an organization that operates in more than one state, which, because of the location of Hawaii, is almost all the organizations.

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