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Illicit drug production in Lake County is limited to crack conversion, small indoor cannabis grow operations and, to a much lesser extent, methamphetamine production. Drug traffickers typically transport powder cocaine in large quantities to Lake County in order to avoid stronger federal criminal penalties associated with crack cocaine trafficking. Once in Lake County, street gang members convert powder cocaine into crack, primarily near distribution sites in metropolitan areas. Law enforcement officials report that small indoor cannabis grow operations, typically maintained for personal use, are occasionally seized in the Lake County HIDTA region; however, several large-scale outdoor cultivation sites were seized on public lands in neighboring Cook County, Illinois, in 2007. Methamphetamine production in the Lake County HIDTA region is very limited and is typically confined to rural areas in southern half of the county. According to National Seizure System (NSS) data, six methamphetamine laboratories were seized in Lake County during the past 5 years; only one laboratory was seized in 2007.

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