FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          CR
THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1996                            (202) 616-2765
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Marking the sixth anniversary of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Attorney General Janet
Reno today stepped up the Justice Department's efforts to enforce
a law that has been opening doors for millions of Americans with
disabilities. Reno announced three new ADA education initiatives,
including a worldwide web site.
     "Like the Olympics, the ADA has been bringing out the best
America has to offer," said Reno. "It's a common sense law that
is making it possible for the 49 million Americans with
disabilities to get off the sidelines and into the mainstream of
     Since the ADA became law on July 26, 1990, the Justice
Department has conducted a nationwide education campaign to
educate businesses, governments, and people with disabilities
about the ADA.  
     Today, Reno announced three new initiatives in the public
information campaign, including:
    a new ADA home page on the worldwide web to allow computer
     users to easily obtain information about the law's
     requirements, status reports on enforcement efforts,
     technical assistance materials, and state and local
     certification requirements;

    a new "ADA Guide for Small Businesses", containing detailed
     graphics and explanations of the steps businesses must take
     to comply with the law.  It provides information about the
     ADA's requirements, such as the width of parking spaces, the
     incline of ramps, and the height of countertops;

    a joint initiative between state and federal officials to
     help prevent discrimination against individuals who use
     service animals.  Twenty five state Attorneys General,
     through the National Association of Attorneys General, are
     distributing guidance explaining that people with
     disabilities must be allowed in businesses, such as
     restaurants, hotels and retail stores, along with their
     service animals.

     "America is becoming more accessible each day," added Reno.
"But while barriers are coming down, many still remain."
     Over the past six years, the Justice Department has reached
agreements in more than 500 matters to open doors for people with
disabilities.  Through the Department's efforts over the past
year alone:
    spectators with disabilities at the Olympics can sit with
     their family and friends in Olympic Stadium--the most
     accessible stadium in the world--and watch all the action,
     even if fans in front stand up to cheer;

    Californians with speech or hearing impairments can get
     through to 9-1-1 to get emergency assistance;

    shoppers who use wheelchairs can get into the 800 Safeway
     stores nationwide to spend their money;

    movie-goers with disabilities will not have to sit in the
     last row at 400 United Artists theaters nationwide; and,

    business travelers with disabilities will start seeing
     changes at some Days Inn hotels, following the filing of a
     suit against the national chain and its franchisees,
     architects and contractors.

     "We will continue to vigorously enforce the ADA until all
obstacles have been removed," added Reno.
     Tonight, Reno speaks at a ceremony honoring community
members who have demonstrated their commitment to accommodating
people with disabilities.  The ceremony, sponsored by the Metro
DisABILITY Coalition, takes place in Louisville, Kentucky.    
     People interested in finding out more about the law can call
the Justice Department's toll-free ADA Information Line at (800)
514-0301 or (800) 514-0383 TDD or access the ADA home page at
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