FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         ENR
MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1997                             (202) 514-2008
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


Tuesday, April 22

-    Assistant Attorney General Lois Schiffer will join elementary
     school students in a morning of "urban gardening", at Watkins
     Elementary School, 12th and E Streets, S.E., from 8:30 to
     12:00 noon.

-    Attorney General Janet Reno and Assistant Attorney General
     Lois Schiffer will participate in a community cleanup at
     Woodson Senior High School, 55th and Eads Street, N.E., from
     2:00 to 4:00pm.  The students identified the cleanup site as
     an area where illegal dumping occurs in their community,
     organized the cleanup event, and crafted a long term plan to
     protect the area from future dumping.

Thursday, April 24

-    Environment and Natural Resources Division's Earth Day
     Celebration, Main Justice Building, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue,
     N.W., from 12:00 to 3:00pm.  The celebration will include
     remarks by Attorney General Reno and Assistant Attorney
     General Schiffer, and will feature a variety of displays
     addressing current environmental issues.
