Department of Justice Seal



Friday, March 24, 2000

(202) 616-2777


TDD (202) 514-1888

Statement by Attorney General Janet Reno

on the Elian Gonzalez Case

"As I said earlier this week, our goal is to reunite Elian with his father in a fair, prompt and orderly manner. From the beginning, we have been mindful of the fact that at the center of this case is a six year old boy who has been through a terrible ordeal. We are concerned for him and will continue to try to resolve this matter in a way that avoids additional trauma to him.

"Earlier this week, Federal District Court Judge K. Michael Moore sustained our judgment that Elian should be reunited with his father. We have been willing to postpone the reunion while the district court considered the case, but we are not willing to wait through an open-ended appeals process that could prolong the separation of this child from his father. We agree with Judge Moore that "each passing day is another day lost between Juan Gonzalez and his son," and we cannot risk the harm that a prolonged separation might create.

"That is why we have proposed a solution that allows Elian's Miami relatives adequate opportunity to appeal their case, while working to achieve a reunion between Elian and his father.

"Yesterday, we asked the relatives to agree to an expedited appeals schedule, and we also asked them to commit to quickly returning Elian to his father if their appeal does not prevail. As of this moment, they have not agreed to comply with these terms.

"We will continue to try to reach an agreement with Elian's Miami relatives that meets these objectives. To that end, we have sent their attorneys another letter this evening setting forth the next steps.

"A great strength of the United States is that we are a Nation of laws and of respect for the law. I hope that all in the community will work together to uphold our laws and help make an orderly process possible."

