Department of Justice SealDepartment of Justice
Monday, December 22, 2008
(202) 514-2007
TDD (202) 514-1888

Justice Department Files Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Harassment by Muskegon County, Mich.

WASHINGTON — The Department of Justice today announced the filing of a lawsuit against the County of Muskegon, Mich., alleging discrimination against a former employee by subjecting her to a hostile work environment.


The Department's complaint, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan, alleges that the county violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when, among other things, it failed to respond with adequate remedial measures to her complaints of multiple instances of sexual harassment, and to similar complaints made by other employees.


"Title VII protects employees from sexual harassment in the workplace," said Grace Chung Becker, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division. "When an employer fails to take appropriate action to prevent such violations of Title VII, the Justice Department will not hesitate to enforce the law."


The enforcement of Title VII is a priority of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.   The case against Muskegon County is the 12th Title VII complaint the division has filed this year. Additional information about the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department is available on its Web site at .


