FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          AG
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1995                           (202) 616-2777
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


Bill Would Slash Police Hiring, Violence Against Women Funding,
    Legal Aid and Eliminate the Community Relations Service

     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Attorney General Janet Reno warned today
against the dramatic cuts to federal law enforcement approved by
the House Appropriations Committee Subcommitee on Commerce Justice
and State Appropriations.  Passed today, the proposal would scrap
the COPS police hiring program, fund less than half of the Violence
Against Women Act, restrict prison funding to the states, and
undermine legal services for poor Americans.

     "President Clinton has repeatedly stated his resolve to veto
any proposal to undermine our effort to put 100,000 new police on
the street," said Reno.  "We've already committed funds for 20,000
officers.  We can't scrap a proven success for an open-ended block
grant program that wouldn't guarantee a single new officer."

     Police hiring block grants under the 1970s Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration led to waste and abuses, including
purchases of a tank, an airplane used by the state's governor, U.S.
Treasury bills, and real estate.

     COPS Director Joe Brann called the vote "deeply
disappointing."  "I believe that the Subcommittee's action is out
of touch with the goals of the America's law enforcement officers." 
Law enforcement groups spoke out against the block grant proposal
earlier this year.

     The Committee also voted to slash funding for the Justice
Department's portion of the Violence Against Women Act grants,
which were slated under last year's crime bill to rise to nearly
$170 million next year.  The Committee would reduce that figure by
nearly $100 million.

     "We can't turn our back on women in the fight against sexual
assaults, rape and domestic abuse," said Bonnie Campbell, Director
of the Justice Department's Violence Against Women Office.  "These
cuts would mean fewer shelters, prosecutors and police officers to
fight violence against women and help victims.  Fortunately,
Senators Biden and Hatch pledged to preserve Violence Against Women
funding just this week."

     Reno also criticized the Committee's approach to providing
funding for prisons.  "We have to help states out, and last year's
crime bill does that.  The Committee approach would put fewer
violent prisoners behind bars with tough-sounding requirements that
would backfire and force states to cut sentences, release prisoners
or spend $20 for every $1 in federal matching funds."

     Reno also criticized the bill's attempts to cut funding for
the Legal Services Corporation.  "Without basic legal services, the
poor are denied the promise of 'Equal Justice Under Law.'  We can't
turn our backs on those who cannot afford legal advice."

     Finally, Reno criticized efforts to eliminate the Community
Relations Service, which works to keep the peace in troubled
communities and defuse situations that could lead to bloodshed. 
"Our mediators are often the thin line between tension and
violence, and they have helped us keep the peace for decades."

