
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 10:03 PM
Serious Concerns with Fund's Rules

    To Kenneth R. Feinberg,

I am writing on behalf of my sister,    , whose husband     was killed in the World Trade Center on September 11th. Like many others     worked as a     at     on the     floor.     now has three small children ages 3, 5, and 7 to care for and support alone. I am writing to express my serious concerns and objections to the Department of Justice's (DOJ) "Interim Final Regulations Governing Payments Under the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund."

I have read the letter that Congressman Marty Meehan sent to you on behalf of the victims. I couldn't voice my concerns and objections any better than he did in his letter. I urge you to strongly consider his objections and recommendations.

Specifically I believe it is important to establish a substantial meaningful minimum that all victims will receive. The figure of $250,000 per person for non-economic damages is completely unacceptable and sends a statement to the victims that their losses are not valued in either a legal or humane way. I also want to voice my concern and bewilderment regarding why you have capped the incomes to be used in the calculations at $231,000. I have read and re-read the original bill and I can't find anything in it that required this type of cap on economic losses. I can only assume that this limit was set to appease those who object to the "government supporting these people." Those who have this view need to be reminded that this bill was put in place primarily to protect the airlines and secondarily to address the fact that the victims would have no recourse to sue for just compensation. Please do not give into this pressure of public opinion. All of these families are entitled to be compensated for the full extent of their economic and non-economic losses since they really have no other recourse at this point.

I realize that you have a tremendously difficult job to do in balancing everyone's needs and concerns. However, I urge you to do the very best that you can on behalf of all the victims. I have seen first hand how painful their situations are and how much they want to move on with their lives. However, they have a lifetime in front of them in which they must support their families that will need tremendous care and attention for years to come. By fairly and fully compensating them for non-economic and economic losses, they can move on with the rest of their lives.


Individual Comment
Ipswich, MA

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