
Monday, January 21, 2002 5:26 AM
Comments on interim rule

To whom it may concern:

My daughter             died on Flight 93, a hero for her country. I went to the White House Reception for Family Members of Flight 93, and the Chief of Staff told us so in his opening remarks before the President's address to us. He spoke to us on behalf of the entire White House staff, who thanked us all individually as we left for the heroism of the passengers on that flight, which potentially saved their lives.

I am dismayed by the interim rule for three reasons: (1) Obviously, I believe that the passengers on Flight 93 were special. They took a vote to save the lives of their countrymen. They deserve some recognition of their heroism. To date, they and their families have received a quite nice reception at the White House, but little else.

(2) Beyond the special circumstances of Flight 93 as opposed to the passengers of the other flights, ALL passengers on ALL the flights of September 11th entered into a situation in which the airlines AND the government, by extension and agreements with the airlines vis-a-vis airport security, were responsible specifically for their safety. The passengers on all of the flights should be compensated at a higher rate than those who were on the ground because of the inevitability of their fate once they were on the planes in comparison to the chance presence of victims on the ground at the sites where the planes went down. The airlines and the government (again by extension) were specifically responsible for my daughter and the rest of the passengers on Flight 93 and the other planes. (Theoretically, the government is also responsible for the presence (and by extension the safety) of the staff personnel who were victims at the Pentagon.)
(3) The interim rule proposes on the first page to avoid making calculations by income levels, etc., yet apparently on the following pages it outlines plans to do just exactly that. Such calculations do not address the loss to me and my daughter's mother of the POTENTIAL FOR JOY IN LIFE, watching our daughter complete her college course and enter into a productive life helping others as a child psychologist. My daughter's age and occupation as a student place her in a category which is addressed by "individual circumstances", without explaining what those individual circumstances are. I have described some of the indivual circumstances which I think affect the "calculation" of loss caused by the death of my daughter as a passenger, as a hero, and as a potential source of joy in life which has been taken from me as a result of the poor security systems in place at Newark Airport.

I expect that the interim rule will have to be amended in order to more adquately address the individual circumstances I have described. I am reluctant to accept the current form of this document as a model for the final compensation system.

I understand the difficulty of developing this rule, and I hope to be able to see an improved final version and to be able to accept it.


Individual Comment
Stockton, CA

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