1996 Annual Report of the
Attorney General of the United States:
Acrobat Portable Document Format files:
- Entire
report for downloading (780 kilobytes)
- Report divided into 8 parts for viewing:
- Cover,
Title page, Foreword, Contents, Introduction, Highlights, Glossary of Abbreviations
and Acronyms (260 kilobytes)
- Chapter
I. Making America Safe (130 kilobytes)
- Chapter
II. Supporting Law Enforcement in the Community (98 kilobytes)
- Chapter
III. Securing America's Borders (98 kilobytes)
- Chapter
IV. Making the Legal System Work for All Americans (98 kilobytes)
- Chapter
V. Enforcing the Nation's Environmental and Antitrust Laws (98 kilobytes)
- Chapter
VI. Making the Department More Efficient and More Responsive (98 kilobytes)
- Glossary
of Abbreviations and Acronyms (65 kilobytes)
chart (98 kilobytes)