FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CIV FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1997 (202) 616-2765 TDD (202) 514-1888 U.S. SUES VIRGINIA OVER LICENSING OF FBI BACKGROUND INVESTIGATORS WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Department of Justice has asked a federal court to strike down as unconstitutional a Virginia law that requires investigators for the FBI who conduct background checks on current and prospective federal employees to obtain a state registration and license to work as private investigators. The Department said the requirement would impede investigations conducted for the FBI. The Department, in a suit filed Thursday on behalf of the FBI in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Virginia, said the state requirement would delay considerably the completion of federal background investigations and adversely affect the United States' national security interests. In describing the Virginia statute as an obstacle in administering federal law, the suit asks the court to find that it is preempted by federal law under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. "The United States is bringing this action as a last resort and regrets that we were not able to work out an agreement with the involved state officials," said Assistant Attorney General Frank Hunger, in charge of the Civil Division. "The Department of Justice attempted to reach an accommodation with the State of Virginia but unfortunately we could not work out a settlement that would have been satisfactory for both parties. We informed Virginia that absent such an agreement we would have to file this suit. "The Department and the FBI are challenging the Virginia statute's applicability to federal agents because it would substantially increase the economic burden on these agents and interfere with an important government program for performing background checks of high level government officials," said Hunger. According to the suit, the FBI, through its BICS office, holds contracts with about 150 former federal investigators who live and work in Virginia. In addition, approximately 35 former federal investigators work in Virginia but live in Washington, D.C., or Maryland. Each, by order of the Attorney General, is a special investigator of the FBI. The suit also notes that, in addition to being a former federal investigator, each special investigator must satisfy a number of qualifications imposed by the FBI.Under the Virginia law, a person working as a private investigator must register with the state by paying a $76 fee; meet certain training requirements; submit fingerprints for a criminal background check; and pay an annual renewal fee of $35. In addition, the regulations require private security businesses to secure a $25,000 surety bond; pay a $600 fee; appoint a compliance officer; and pay an annual $250 license renewal fee. The government said that many of its investigators, all of whom are former federal investigators hired under the FBI's Background Investigation Contract Service (BICS) Program, would resign from the program because of the burden and expense of meeting Virginia's compliance requirements, while others would not apply. Such a loss, the suit says, would result in considerable delays in completing background investigations for the FBI, the White House, the Department of Justice, the Department of Energy, congressional committees and other federal agencies. The suit asks the court to declare Virginia's statute null and void to the extent it applies to special investigators in the FBI's BICS program and to permanently enjoin the state from enforcing the statute against the investigators. ##### 97-10