FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ENR THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1997 (202) 514-2008 TDD (202) 514-1888 CLEAN UP OF MISSOURI TOXIC WASTE SITE COMPLETE TIMES BEACH SUPERFUND SITE LAST OF THREE TOXIC WASTE SITES TO BE CLEANED UP THAT SPURRED CREATION OF THE SUPERFUND LAW Former Hazardous Waste Site Transformed into State Park WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The last of the three toxic waste sites that inspired the passage of the historic Superfund law in 1980 is now cleaned up, the Justice Department announced today. The estimated $200 million clean up of the former dioxin-laden dump known as the Times Beach, Missouri Superfund Site near St. Louis, which began in 1984, is now complete. The other two toxic waste sites featured in the debate that lead to Superfund's creation are Love Canal in Niagra Falls, New York, and the Valley of the Drums, located in Bullit County, in western Kentucky. "This is one more example of the success of the Superfund program. Thanks to Superfund, Times Beach and the 27 nearby areas sprayed with dioxin-laden waste oil are clean and back in use," said Lois Schiffer, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department's Environment and Natural Resources Division. "Without the enforcement provisions of the Superfund law, we would never have been able to make those responsible for the awful contamination that occurred in and around Times Beach, pay to clean it up." In the early 1970s, a waste oil recycler was hired by local towns, businesses, farmers and churches in the Times Beach area to spray used oil on local roads to control dust. Unknown to the property owners, the oil recycler had mixed dioxin wastes from a chemical plant into the oil, creating one of the most notorious hazardous waste crises in the United States. Now, the area has been transformed into a 409 acre park to be named Route 66 State Park, after the historic road that runs through it. The Superfund Program The Superfund program, passed in 1980, has greatly improved the environment and public health. Final cleanup is now underway or complete at 1,100 of the nation's worst toxic waste sites, and construction is complete at 430 of these. Of these large sites, 265 have been completed in the last four years--many more than were cleaned up in the first 12 years of the program. Also, EPA has completed smaller actions at 3,000 sites. In addition, the deterrent effect of the Superfund law is working all over the country to prevent the creation of new toxic waste sites because companies are handling wastes more responsibly in order to avoid further Superfund liability. *** The dioxin at Times Beach came from a chemical plant in Verona, Missouri that was originally owned by Hoffman-Taff Inc., a company that produced the defoliant Agent Orange. Although none of Hoffman-Taff's Agent Orange ever made it to Vietnam, components of it that contained dioxin by-products were stored at the plant in a 20 foot high tank, named the Black Tank for the black insulating material that covered it. In 1969, Hoffman-Taff was acquired by Syntex Agribusiness Inc. and a portion of the plant was leased to Northeastern Pharmaceutical and Chemical Corporation (NEPACCO), which began manufacturing hexachlorophene, a popular skin cleanser at the time. Dioxin produced from the manufacture of hexachlorophene was stored in the same Black Tank in which Hoffman-Taff had stored chemical components of Agent Orange. One of NEPACCO's suppliers, Independent Petrochemical Corporation (IPC), hired Russell Bliss to dispose of the wastes in the Black Tank. Bliss disposed of the wastes by mixing them with used oil and spraying them on roads, under the contracts with local towns and businesses. Later NEPACCO paid Bliss to dispose of additional wastes from the Black Tank, which he also sprayed on roads in the area. Eventually, EPA and the Justice Department reached cleanup settlements with Syntex, NEPACCO, IPC and IPC's parent companies, to fund and carry out much of the clean up. The clean up at Love Canal, the notorious dioxin site that is synonymous with Superfund, was completed about ten years ago, and last year the United States obtained a $129 million settlement with Occidental Chemical Corporation for EPA's cleanup costs. The Valley of the Drums Superfund site, which was contaminated with more than 20,000 corroding drums filled with waste oils and hazardous substances, was cleaned up about 5 years ago. The United States also reached settlements with responsible parties to recover part of the government's cleanup costs at that site. ### 97-281