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Justice encountered the Twenty-first Century today as the G8 Ministers responsible for law
enforcement "met" today in nine different locations world-wide to discuss their efforts to combat
transnational organized crime and terrorist funding. Utilizing video conferencing, the Ministers,
chaired by Home Secretary Jack Straw, were able to spend nearly three hours discussing issues
without leaving home.
This was the first time that a a virtual meeting had been accomplished at Ministerial level
among the Eight, and the first time the G8 Justice and Interior Ministers have met since last
December in Washington. EU Commissioner Anita Gradin also took part. The Ministers agreed
that video conferencing had proved an effective and economical way of keeping in touch,
particularly when events demand a quick response.
At their meeting in Washington a year ago the Ministers had tasked the G8 experts on
organized crime (the Lyon Group) with two projects: enhancing abilities to investigate and
prosecute high-tech crimes, and strengthening extradition and mutual legal assistance regimes to
ensure that no criminal can find a safe haven anywhere in the world.
More recently, in May, the G8 Summit at Birmingham agreed on a number of additional
actions to tackle the threat of international crime.
In their virtual meeting today, the Ministers were able to point to the following progress
made on these projects:
High-tech crime
The G8 countries have established a 24 hour network of law enforcement experts capable
of responding swiftly to requests for help with investigations that cross international
borders, including hacking cases. The network, which is now in use, is open to wider
membership and a number of non G8 countries have already joined. The Lyon Group is
pursuing consultations with industry, including internet service providers, on preventing
criminal use of networks and ensuring traceability of their communications. It is also
developing proposals for a legal framework for retrieving electronic evidence swiftly in
cases that cut across international borders.
Money laundering and confiscation of criminal assets
The Birmingham Summit endorsed asset confiscation principles committing the G8 to
take effective powers for confiscating criminal proceeds both domestically and at the
request of partner countries. A G8 confiscation manual was circulated to practitioners
earlier this year. Experts from the U.S., UK and Canada are drafting a model agreement
for sharing confiscated assets. G8 experts are coordinating their work with initiatives in
other fora on how to deal with jurisdictions which do not comply with recommended
standards against money laundering, and on strengthening collaboration between law
enforcement agencies and financial regulators.
Smuggling of illegal migrants and trafficking in human beings
The Ministers took note of progress by experts in developing the strategy, including
principles and an action plan, called for by the Birmingham Summit. Experts are
pressing ahead to complete this work for submission to the G8 Summit in Cologne next
year. G8 experts are developing six operational projects, including operations against
forged documents and identified smuggling routes.
UN Convention against transnational organized crime
Support from G8 countries has played an important part in giving new momentum to
negotiations on a UN Crime Convention. G8delegations will collaborate to ensure
inclusion of effective and up-to-date measures, for example on money laundering and
asset confiscation; and to support protocols on firearms, migrant smuggling and trafficking
in human beings.
The G8 Summit on the need to explore ways of combating official corruption arising
from large flows criminal money. The Ministers have welcomed the intention of the US
Government to host a major international conference in the spring Fighting Corruption
and Safeguarding Integrity Among Justice and Security Officials.
Judicial co-operation
Experts are studying intensified use of video links when witnesses are located abroad.
Their next meeting in January will also look at the identification and removal of
impediments in existing extradition and mutual legal assistance regimes.