(202) 514-2007
TDD (202) 514-1888
Fact Sheet: Department of Justice
Efforts to Combat Methamphetamine Use
“Methamphetamine abuse shatters families and threatens our communities.
On National Methamphetamine Awareness Day, we underscore the dangers of
and reaffirm our collective responsibility to combat all forms of drug
President George W. Bush, November 28,
Methamphetamine is a powerfully addictive drug that dramatically affects
minds and bodies. Fighting the dangerous proliferation of methamphetamine
remains a significant priority for the Bush Administration. In addition
to undertaking a significant public education campaign through National
Awareness Day, the Department of Justice and its components have taken the
steps to fight this epidemic:
Department of Justice Efforts to Combat
- Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales directed the
U.S. Attorney’s Offices to make the prosecution of methamphetamine cooks
and distributors—especially those who are repeat offenders—a high
priority. In response, the U.S. Attorneys are seeking stiff sentences
for major players in the methamphetamine trade. During the past 10 years,
the U.S. Attorneys have more than quadrupled the number of methamphetamine
filed and defendants charged.
- The Department has provided specialized training
to police officers and sheriffs’ deputies on how to best respond to
situations. In the 2004 and 2005 fiscal years, the Department more than
tripled the number of methamphetamine training courses offered nationwide.
- The Department established the Anti-Methamphetamine
Coordination Committee to oversee the ongoing
of Department initiatives and to ensure effective coordination of its
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Efforts to Combat
- The DEA administered approximately 8,600 clandestine
lab clean-ups for state and local agencies in fiscal year 2005 and
4,600 in fiscal year 2006.
- Between 1998 and 2006, the DEA trained 10,312 state
and local law enforcement officers and has trained and/or participated in
for more than 2,400 foreign law enforcement officers in a variety of
enforcement, and regulatory methods related to clandestine laboratory
and/or methamphetamine trafficking. Of this number, in excess of
1,500 Mexican law enforcement officials received some form of training in
past year.
- In fiscal year 2006, the DEA made 6,233 methamphetamine-related
arrests and seized 1,550 kilograms of the drug.
- In fiscal year 2005, the DEA estimated that it committed
approximately $176 million to combating methamphetamine, through operations,
methamphetamine lab dismantling and removal, and regulatory control of
- Since March 2005, the DEA Mobile Enforcement Teams
(MET) have made methamphetamine investigations a priority. In fiscal year
2005, 41 percent of new MET deployments targeted methamphetamine trafficking
organizations. The DEA provides assistance through the MET program to
state and local law enforcement in major drug investigations.
- The DEA established a Methamphetamine Task Force
that is responsible for gathering information from relevant sources,
it, and making recommendations for improving and targeting the federal
policies with respect to the production and trafficking of
- The DEA’s Demand Reduction program enhances
prevention programs across the nation by developing strategic alliances with
prevention and treatment agencies, community coalitions, and state and local
- The DEA’s teen Web site, www.justthinktwice.com,
has a link called “Got Meth?” dedicated to methamphetamine issues. Since
its launch, the Web site has attracted more than 1.5 million visitors.
Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Efforts
to Combat Methamphetamines
- The OCDETF program works to dismantle the most significant
drug trafficking organizations. Between fiscal years 2003 and 2005, the
number of OCDETF investigations involving methamphetamine increased by 59
- In fiscal year 2005, OCDETF cases resulted in 725 indictments charging
2,224 defendants with methamphetamine violations. In all, 137
were dismantled and the activities of 80 organizations disrupted.
- The fiscal year 2006, the OCDETF Consolidated Priority
Organizational Target (CPOT) list has identified eight of the 46 designated
organizations as being engaged in methamphetamine trafficking.
- At the end of the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2006, the DEA had 166
active Priority Target Organization (PTO) investigations linked to those
CPOTs, of which 33 were active PTO investigations with methamphetamine as
primary narcotic.
- Since the inception of the PTO program in 2001, the DEA has disrupted
and dismantled more than 481 PTOs where methamphetamine was the primary
Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Efforts to Combat
- The BOP provides appropriate substance abuse treatment
to all eligible inmates, including those diagnosed with methamphetamine
or dependence. Such treatment has been proven to reduce recidivism and
relapse in participants.
- In fiscal year 2005, 22,776 inmates participated in some form of drug
abuse education; 18,027 male and female inmates participated in BOP’s
residential drug abuse treatment programs.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Efforts to Combat
- Since 1999, OJP has awarded more than $45 million
in methamphetamine-related grants.
- OJP has sponsored 11 methamphetamine-related conferences
attended by more than 2,400 people and has sponsored 20 meetings, training
and presentations on methamphetamine, victims of methamphetamine abuse, and
drug endangered children.
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Efforts to Combat
- In addition to maintaining www.methresources.gov,
an online clearing house of methamphetamine-related events and information,
BJA sponsors numerous methamphetamine-specific grant programs, including:
response training for tribal law enforcement, Indian alcohol and substance
demand reduction programs, a pilot re-entry program for methamphetamine
offenders, residential substance abuse treatment programs for state
and detention facilities, and community, law enforcement, and youth
partnerships at the local level.
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Efforts to Combat
- COPS supports state, local and tribal law enforcement
and their fight against methamphetamine through grants, training,
technical assistance, dissemination of best practices, publications and
- Since 1998, COPS has invested more than $448 million nationwide to
combat the spread of methamphetamine.
- Currently, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America is devoting two
COPS grants ($2 million in fiscal year 2005 and $3 million in fiscal year
to funding methamphetamine public awareness and prevention campaigns.
International Efforts to Combat
- In order to address the methamphetamine coming across
our border, the administration is continuing its cooperation with Mexican
enforcement authorities to halt the spread of methamphetamine by disrupting
and dismantling methamphetamine trafficking organizations.
- In May 2006, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales,
joined by the Mexican Attorney General, unveiled Department of Justice-led
aimed at improving enforcement, increasing law enforcement training,
information sharing, and increasing public awareness of the dangers of
- The DEA and the government of Mexico have pledged
to establish specialized methamphetamine enforcement teams on their
sides of the border. In Mexico, these teams will focus on investigating
and targeting the most wanted Mexican methamphetamine drug trafficking
while DEA-led efforts on the U.S. side will focus on methamphetamine
and organizations transporting and distributing the drug.
- A new joint initiative between
the DEA and Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection
Service is focusing on ports of entry within the United States, targeting
cargo that is likely to be related to methamphetamine trafficking
- A bilateral leadership planning conference took
place this fall in Mexico aimed at reducing methamphetamine production and
and at improving targeting efforts.
- In addition, the DEA, State Department, and other
government agencies have led training programs on methamphetamine and
methods for Mexican police officials in locations throughout the United
Mexico and Central America. By the end of this year, 1,000 officers will
be trained.
- The government of Mexico has placed stricter regulatory
controls on pseudoephedrine and placed import quotas on the methamphetamine
precursor chemicals that are tied to the country’s legitimate needs.
- In March 2006, the United Nations Commission on
Narcotic Drugs (CND) adopted the synthetic drug precursor resolution
by the United States and cosponsored by a number of CND member nations. The
resolution urges countries to report shipments of bulk chemicals and
preparations to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) for further
review. This resolution will be extremely helpful to law enforcement
pharmaceutical preparations – such as tablets containing ephedrine and
pseudoephedrine – had previously been excluded from such reporting. The
INCB is also now authorized to share shipment information on pharmaceutical
preparations containing methamphetamine precursors with law enforcement and
regulatory authorities to prevent or interdict diverted shipments.