FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DAG TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1995 (202) 616-2777 TDD (202) 514-1888 CIVIL SUITS SETTLED IN RUBY RIDGE CASE The Department of Justice announced today that it has resolved all claims by the Randy Weaver family against the United States and its employees. Under the settlement, each of the three children of Vicki Weaver will receive $1 million and her husband Randy will receive $100,000 to resolve $200 million in claims filed by the family after the deaths of Mrs. Weaver and her 14-year-old son, Samuel, at Ruby Ridge, Idaho in August, 1992. The settlement reflects the loss to the Weaver children of their mother and brother. By entering into a settlement, the United States hopes to take a substantial step toward healing the wounds the incident inflicted. Samuel Weaver was killed on August 21, 1992 in a firefight with U.S. Marshals that left Samuel and Deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan dead. Marshals were surveilling the property in preparation for serving an arrest warrant on Randy Weaver. Mrs. Weaver was accidentally killed the next day when a bullet fired by an FBI agent struck her as she stood out of sight behind a cabin door. The United States does not admit wrongdoing or legal liability to the plaintiffs. At the instance of the government, the settlement agreement explicitly provides that nothing in its language is intended to interfere with or reduce the availability of information or evidence in connection with the incident. ##### 95-444