EMBARGOED UNTIL 6:30 P.M. EST (3:30 PST) AG WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1995 (202) 616-2777 TDD (202) 514-1888 RENO OFFERS PRESIDENT CLINTON'S SUPPORT FOR LONG BEACH SCHOOL UNIFORM EXPERIMENT Grass-Roots Program Has Cut Youth Crime and Violence Sharply LONG BEACH, CA -- Attorney General Janet Reno travelled to Long Beach, California, today to express President Clinton's support for the school system's attempts to increase discipline and fight youth violence by requiring students to wear uniforms. The school uniform policy is credited with helping bring about a sharp drop in crime. According to the school district, during the last school year, drug cases have dropped 74 percent, sex offenses 74 percent, assault and battery cases 34 percent, and recorded fights are down 51 percent. "If we are to stop a 21st century explosion in youth crime, we have to give our local schools a chance to fight back," said Reno. "President Clinton believes that if uniforms can help fight school violence, we should stand behind schools that try them -- to help kids do the right thing, and stay gang-free and drug-free." "Uniforms have been a positive here in Long Beach," said local police chief William Ellis. "Schools have fewer reason to call the police. There's less conflict among students. Students concentrate more on education, not who's wearing $100 shoes or gang attire." In 1994, the Long Beach Unified School District became the first school district in the country to require all its students to wear uniforms to class. The uniform is determined by each school, and most schools require dark pants or skirts and white tops. The school board's policy has been challenged by the Southern California chapter of the ACLU, despite a parental opt-out policy chosen by one percent of the 58,000 students in the district. The opt-out plan permits parents to remove their students from the uniform program. According to school district officials, families that cannot afford uniforms are provided them by companies, organizations like the PTA, and individuals. Reno talked to students, toured the school and met with local supporters of the school uniform policy, including Long Beach Mayor Beverly O'Neill, Police Chief William Ellis, and Long Beach School Superintendent Carl Cohn, Long Beach Board of Education President Bobbie Smith. The Long Beach policy helped spur a drive for a statewide law effective January 1 of this year, which permits school boards to adopt school uniform policies. The city of Oakland also adopted a school uniform policy at the beginning of this school year. "We have to fight youth violence every way we can," said Reno. "If school uniforms can help restore discipline and order, then school boards should be free to consider them." "When our children and their families are afraid to go to and from school and afraid to be in school, learning obviously suffers, said Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley. "It is critical that we continue to do everything we can to ensure that schools provide a secure environment." The Administration has taken many other steps to fight youth violence and protect school safety: þ Gun Free School Zones Act: The President has submitted legislation to correct a Supreme Court decision that invalidated the Act, and called for vigorous enforcement. Passed in 1990, the Act prohibits bringing guns on school property. þ COPS Youth Firearms Violence Initiative: As part of its program to put 100,000 police on America's streets, the Justice Department's COPS office is awarding up to $1 million grants to 10 police departments to develop community policing efforts that target youth gun violence. þ Prosecuting Hardened Young Criminals as Adults: Last year's crime bill provided discretionary authority to prosecute hardened young criminals, 13-years-old and above, as adults for serious violent offenses. þ Boot Camps: Under the crime bill, $21 million was provided in fiscal year 1995 states and localities are provided with funds to place young offenders in programs to instill discipline, routine, and respect for authority. þ Youth Handgun Safety Act: The 1994 Crime Act makes it a federal offense for persons under 18 to own a handgun. The Office of Justice Programs is also assisting states that seek to enact similar bans. þ Safe and Drug Free Schools Program: This program funds to virtually every school district in the country to make their schools safe, disciplined and drug free. þ Community Schools Program: A crime bill formula grant, totaling more than $20 million in fiscal year 1995, helps communities provide supervised after-school, weekend and summer programs for at-risk young people. The Department of Justice last year filed an amicus brief supporting an Oregon school district's random drug testing of student athletes, designed to help deal with drug problems in schools. Reno toured other local programs designed to curb youth violence. She met with middle school and high school students with the group "Youth Choosing Peace," as well as students with the "90805 Group," formed after the death of a fellow student. ### 95-606