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Albania: ICITAP-Supported Albanian Security Academy Awarded Accreditation Status by International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training

On September 30, the Accreditation Executive Committee of the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST), awarded the Albanian Security Academy “Accreditation” status. The Committee also announced the Security Academy’s accreditation distinction of “Excellence” for their achieving an aggregate score of 93.75, spotlighting the Albanian Security Academy, as only the fourth international academy to achieve said status, in its inaugural accreditation. The Security Academy Rector addressed the IADLEST Committee, prefacing that the Security Academy is the only institution in Albania dedicated to the field of public security. The Rector outlined that the Security Academy is an institution of the State Police and is responsible for basic police training and charged with the implementation of the law on “Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the State Police Law.” The IADLEST accreditation assessment team presented the final 2024 Report and briefed numerous positive outcomes from the IADLEST assessment. The assessment team noted the Academy’s vast review and production of more than 450 documents of evidence covering 12 functional areas to improve rules, regulations, policies, public access to websites, recruitment standards, and institution protocols. The assessment team also noted the superior performance of the firearms and defensive tactics instructor cadre, and professional medical support staff. Further, the accreditation process produced improved methods and procedures for continuity of operations, administration, strategic planning, student health screening, and protection of student PII. The accreditation board highlighted a best practice observed in testing security and protocols and pointed to the unique practice of student monitoring increasing public trust and transparency. Areas for long-term improvements include facilities and a conversion mitigation plan for led free firearm ranges. The Rector addressed the IADLEST commission, stating that the accreditation process has already improved Academy standards and will have a profound positive impact on policing across Albania for years to come. In a prepared statement submitted for record. In addition to improving training operations, the Rector opined that accreditation status will significantly improve ASP training legitimacy and stature with the citizenry, and international community, and across Academy training operations. The Rector outlined the positive impact of accreditation to: “establish a unified curriculum standard with counterpart schools; increase community’s trust in the professional skills of the police, creates an Academy standard to serve the community; establish a foundation for future development of professional police education; helps increase interest in the law enforcement profession for a new generation to serve and contribute to the country’s development in strengthening public order and security.” In closing, the Rector thanked the IADLEST President and the Accreditation Manager, along with his Academy executive team and staff for their outstanding effort. The Security Academy Rector recognized the enduring partnership between the Security Academy and ICITAP dating to 2005, which has resulted in the Security Academy’s foundational, professional, and contemporary education for general police training. The Albanian State Police, IADLEST, and ICITAP are planning a public announcement and presentation ceremony soon. The accreditation process was supported by ICITAP mission to Albania, funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Updated January 20, 2025