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Armenia: ICITAP Integrates Scenario-Based Training into Educational Process of Ministry of Internal Affairs Educational Complex in Framework of Patrol Service
On September 4, the ICITAP-Armenia mission provided an update on its assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) Educational Complex (EC). Starting in 2021, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), ICITAP, and in collaboration with Armenia’s MoIA EC, integrated Scenario-Based Training (SBT). The Basic Training Academy consists of a five-month main course. SBT is a practical learning approach that simulates real-life situations to enhance specific officer skills and knowledge. On August 15, 2024, the ICITAP-Armenia Mission Advisor conducted a Train-of-Trainer (ToT) for all the instructors selected to evaluate the cadets' performance and skills. The goal of the ToT was to familiarize the evaluators with scenarios, logistics, assessment criteria, and safety rules during SBT. From August 19 to September 3, 2024, INL, ICITAP Armenia, in cooperation with the MOIA EC, conducted the Fifth SBT training for 306 cadets (36 female and 270 male cadets). Each cadet passed through four scenarios: Suspicious Person, Unknown Disturbance, Standard Traffic Stop, and High-Risk Vehicle Approach. The Chief of Patrol Police of the MOIA approved all scenarios in advance, taking into account all the cases that patrol police officers encounter most during their service. Armenian Instructors evaluated over 300 cadets who participated in the 5th Academy. Two Instructors were selected as Scene Managers by the ICITAP Mission Advisor to maintain objectivity and consistency. They were responsible for logistics and management. Scene Managers also conducted daily briefings and debriefings with the cadets. The briefing covered the goals, the purpose of the SBT methodology, and a safety check. The debriefing summarized observations made by the Scene Managers and highlighted Evaluator assessment forms. The SBT assessment forms adopted by ICITAP Armenia were designed to evaluate the performance of each cadet across the following objectives: tactics and officer safety, weapon manipulation, law and policy, legal articulation, and communication skills. The assessment of the cadets during the SBT offers considerable insights into the challenges and opportunities for further developing the officers' tactical and situational awareness skills. The SBT is a crucial part of the educational system of Patrol service in terms of the quality of the Basic Training. Another benefit of the SBT is collecting a list of skillful cadets to serve as future instructors for selected modules and training.
Updated January 20, 2025