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Blog Post

Belize: ICITAP Delivers Advanced Interview Course to Member Agencies of National Security Directorate

From May 20 to 24, ICITAP provided in-depth training to twenty-two members of the Belize Police Department – Special Services Branch, the Belize Coast Guard, Belize Customs and Excise Department and the Belize Defense Force. This Advanced Interview Course was a follow-up to the Basic Interview Course provided by ICITAP instructors one month earlier. The training consisted of intensive instruction and practical exercises in interview techniques as well as non-verbal communication recognition designed to enhance the ability of the course attendees to conduct advanced and critical investigations to facilitate a more effective response to emerging counter-terror threats and transnational crime concerns. This training, hosted by the Belize Police Department in Belize City at police precinct three, attendees were identified by their respective departments based on skill set and assignment. Participants took a pre-test of their existing knowledge of the course material and collectively scored 59% and at the end of the course, test scores increased to 97%. This DOJ/ICITAP project is in collaboration with Belize National Security Directorate, Office of the Prime Minister and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism. (DOS/CT).

Updated January 20, 2025