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Blog Post

Central America: ICITAP Facilitates Central American Laboratory Leaders’ Attendance at 51st American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Symposium in Birmingham, Alabama

From April 28 and May 2, 2024, ICITAP facilitated the attendance of forensic experts from Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize at the 51st American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) symposium in Birmingham, AL. The delegation attended presentations related to laboratory accreditation, emerging technologies, and innovative process approaches, as well as workshops focused on leadership and effectively managing a resilient workforce. The Executive Director of the National Forensic Science Services of Belize participated in an ICITAP-moderated panel of international laboratory directors, including those from programs in Nepal, Kenya, and Sinaloa, Mexico. He shared insights on strategic planning with limited resources and engaging international donors to push for continuous improvement as the laboratory prepares to apply for international accreditation and build a new facility. ICITAP works in Central America in partnership with the Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotic and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

Updated January 20, 2025