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On May 18, 2022, ICITAP partnered with the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) as part of the International Affairs Committee "Global Collaboration of Forensic Scientists" to present an installment of the Educational Webinar Series on Aquatic Investigations and Document Examination. The first speaker discussed challenges of aquatic investigations, including staging land-based homicides in aquatic environments, and using drugs or disabilities to cause deaths that appear accidental. The second speaker discussed less familiar aspects of questioned document examinations beyond handwriting analysis, including the use of electrostatic discharge apparatus (ESDA) to reveal indented writing. The final speaker discussed methods of electronic signatures and their forensic implications. The webinar had 221 attendees from 24 countries, representing every continent (except Antarctica). The next iteration of the series will take place on September 28 and focus on the public health and analytical challenges of Novel Psychoactive Substances. Recordings of past webinars and information about future presentations in the series can be found at