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Blog Post

Forensics: ICITAP Partners with Iberoamerican Academy of Criminalistics and Forensic Studies to Present Webinar on Quality Management Systems

On December 20, ICITAP’s Global Forensic Science Unit (GFSU) partnered with the Iberoamerican Academy of Criminalistics and Forensic Studies (AICEF) to present a webinar, delivered in Spanish, on the resources needed for the implementation and accreditation of a forensic laboratory’s quality management system. The event was the first in a trio of webinars designed by the Iberoamerican Committee of Quality (CICAL), a group within AICEF aiming to improve communication between laboratories about common issues and questions within quality assurance. ICITAP hosted content from the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico, the National Institute of Forensic Sciences of Guatemala, and the Civil Guard Criminalistics Service of Spain. The presentations addressed the scope of accreditations that the respective laboratories have achieved, as well as the international standards that have been applied to each of the disciplines. The webinar had 179 attendees from 12 countries across Latin America as well as the United States and Spain.

Updated January 20, 2025