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Blog Post

ICITAP Partners with Commissioner of Philadelphia Police Department to Share Experience on Race and Police Reform

On May 27, ICITAP’s Police Development Advisory Council (IPDAC) hosted a webinar titled “Gathering Strength Through Adversity: A Conversation with Commissioner Danielle Outlaw.” This was the eighth in ICITAP’s webinar series, which focuses on law enforcement leadership and police reform in the United States. With introductory remarks from (and moderation by) ICITAP Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Advisor Lynn Holland, this one-hour webinar featured Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, who shared her experience serving and leading law enforcement communities in Oakland, Portland, and Philadelphia. Commissioner Outlaw described a number of defining moments in her career, which have helped inspire critical conversations about racial justice and police reform both within her department as well as with the people she has taken an oath to protect. Specifically, Commissioner Outlaw talked about your journey; how her family responded to her interest in becoming a police officer; what her motivation to become a Chief; how she has had to justify her existence; what performance culture looks like; how the George Floyd case impacted her, the Department, and the City of Philadelphia; and what steps need to be taken to advance more women in policing. IPDAC was established in June 2020 in response to concerns raised by ICITAP’s foreign counterparts about U.S.-based civil unrest and carries out three core objectives: 1) to assess ICITAP’s curricula and mentorship approaches; 2) to liaise with relevant US and international organizations; and 3) to study ongoing domestic discussions and reform efforts. To view the 60-minute webinar:

Updated January 20, 2025