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Blog Post

Indonesia: ICITAP Corrections Program Briefs with New Director of Directorate General of Corrections Security & Order

On June 23, ICITAP corrections program staff briefed with the new Directorate General of Corrections (DGC) Director of Security & Order. The briefing focused on the collaboration ICITAP has had with the DGC and the ongoing training programs that are planned for the agency. Specifically, there are two training programs upcoming in Surabaya (East Java) that will involve ICITAP utilizing DGC instructors to deliver core security decree and Emergency Response Team training. Director Aris was completely supportive of this collaboration and ICITAP willingness to use the DGC instructional staff to support the delivery of training. Further, he was eager to resume in-person training programs utilizing appropriate safety protocols due to the pandemic.

Updated January 20, 2025