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Indonesia: ICITAP Participates in Launching of The Center of Women Empowerment in Law Enforcement
On April 29, ICITAP attended the launching of The Center of Women Empowerment in Law Enforcement in Surabaya, East Java. The center is a collaboration between the Indonesian National Police (INP) Women Police and the Post Graduate Division of Airlangga University in Surabaya. The center's mission is to share knowledge, experience, education, socialization, and advocacy in the area of Women and Children Protection that can be useful for all women, especially women in law enforcement. The center will also provide information to all community members on gender-based violence. The program began with a welcoming speech by Primary Policy Analyst INP Training and Education Centre (LEMDIKLAT) before her inauguration as the center's Chairwoman. Also, in attendance both in person and virtually was the director of the postgraduate school,; followed by Keynote Speakers an Inspector General of Police, the Chief of Regional Police Office (Polda) East Java, ICITAP-Indonesia Assistant Attaché John Ruffcorn, the Rector of Airlangga University, and the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. The center is the first university-level program dedicated to women law enforcement leaders in Indonesia. The driving forces behind the center initiated the idea after attending the International Association of Women Police conference in Anchorage and a women's police leadership conference in Kentucky in 2019.
Updated January 20, 2025