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Blog Post

Montenegro: Cabinet of Ministers Adopts Work of Tailored Seminar in Decision to Formally Develop National Strategy on Transnational Organized Crime

On April 29, the work of ICITAP’s tailored seminar, developed in partnership with George C. Marshall Center (GCMC), was reviewed in a governmental meeting of Montenegro’s Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet approved a proposal by the Minister of Interior of Montenegro to adopt the work of the seminar group and use it in formally authorizing the development of a national strategy on transnational organized crime. ICITAP and the GCMC have been leading this tailored seminar on strategy development and countering transnational organized crime (CTOC) since October 2020. In addition to examining the role of strategy and policy in working against TOC, seminar participants have developed a CTOC Strategy Framework, a Research Appendix, and a Strategic Communications Plan.  An informational briefing presented to the Cabinet of Ministers cited passages from the strategic framework developed by the seminar participants and twice named ICITAP as facilitating the work of the seminar group. The Minister will now form an inter-ministerial group to develop a National CTOC Strategy. ICITAP and the George C. Marshall Center will continue to assist this effort via technical assistance and advisory support. In Montenegro, ICITAP works with the support of and in coordination with the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

Updated January 20, 2025