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On April 14, ICITAP-Philippines Attaché Juan Bortfeld led his senior U.S. advisory team to deliver an exceptional presentation about ICITAP’s law enforcement assistance mission to 145 interagency and international participants, by leveraging a number of audio-visual tools and covered the context, 15-year history, successes, challenges, and opportunities of ICITAP’s work in the Philippines. Since the mission began in 2006, ICITAP has partnered with the Philippine National Police (PNP) at all organizational levels: the PNP National Police Academy (PNPA); the Directorate for Human Resource Doctrine and Development (DHRDD); the PNP Training Service; the PNP Maritime Group; the Directorate for Police Community Relations; the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology; the Anti-Money Laundering Council; and others. All assistance is provided in partnership with recipient agencies to enhance assistance efficacy and ensure sustainability over the long term. Funding for ICITAP projects in the Philippines has been provided by the Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT), Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs (EAP), and the Department of Defense, vis-à-vis the National Defense Authorization Act’s Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF) and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command’s (INDOPACOM) Joint Inter-Agency Task Force West (JIATF-West). Thanks to ICITAP’s partnership with DOJ’s Office of Public Affairs (OPA) and the U.S. Embassy in Manila, OPA released the following tweet: