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Blog Post

Somalia: ICITAP Recognizes Work of Police Information Unit

On May 16, the ICITAP-Somalia Mission awarded Certificates of Achievement and Completion of Training to select members of the ICITAP-mentored Somali Police Force (SPF) Police Information Unit (PIU). The Certificates of Achievement recognized the PIU’s success in developing and running a “sting operation” that lured a dangerous al Shahab terrorist fugitive into the capitol city of Mogadishu, where he was arrested without incident. The Certificates of Training were awarded to select PIU members who completed the challenging and demanding four-week Basic Source Management Course delivered by ICITAP instructors. The ceremony was hosted by the PIU commander, who expressed her appreciation for the comprehensive mentoring and assistance ICITAP provides this critically important SPF unit. The ICITAP Somalia Mission Advisor congratulated the officers on their achievements and the importance of their work. The ceremony was followed by a luncheon celebrating their awards as well as the Islamic Holiday of Eid. In Somalia, ICITAP works with the support of and in collaboration with the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism.

Updated January 20, 2025