FOIA Training Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2011
November 30 - December 1, 2010, Washington, DC February 22-23, 2011, Washington, DC May 3-4, 2011, Washington, DC July 12-13, 2011, Washington, DC August 16-17, 2011 (Seattle, Washington)
Advanced Freedom of Information Act Seminar This seminar is designed for FOIA professionals and legal advisors of all federal agencies. It provides advanced instruction on selected topics under the FOIA, including up-to-date policy guidance and views from the FOIA requester community. This program also serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas useful in dealing with problems that commonly arise in administering the FOIA.April 6, 2011
Freedom of Information Act Administrative Forum This program is designed for agency FOIA professionals who have several years of experience with the FOIA and are involved in the processing of FOIA requests on a daily basis. It is devoted almost entirely to administrative matters arising under the FOIA -- such matters as record-retrieval practices, multi-track queue usage, backlog management, affirmative disclosures, and automated record processing. Designed to serve also as a regular forum for the governmentwide exchange of ideas and information on matters of FOIA administration, this program brings together veteran FOIA processors from throughout the government and encourages them to share their experience in administering the FOIA.June 8, 2011
Introduction to the Freedom of Information Act This half-day program provides a basic overview of the FOIA for agency personnel who do not specialize in access law. It is designed for those who either work with the FOIA only occasionally or need only a general familiarity with the FOIA in order to recognize and handle FOIA-related problems that may arise in other areas of agency activity.March 22, 2011, Washington, DC
FOIA Litigation Seminar This course is designed for agency attorneys and FOIA professionals and focuses on the issues that arise when FOIA requests become the subject of litigation. The seminar will provide guidance on successful litigation strategy and will address in detail the preparation of Vaughn Indices and declarations.November 17, 2010, Washington, DC
To find further information about these seminars, including application requirements and enrollment information, go to the Office of Legal Education, select “OLE Course Calendar,” then select “Description of courses,” and scroll down to the name of the seminar in which you are interested. For enrollment information, return to “OLE Course Calendar” and select “Procedures to attend a course.”