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Blog Post

Upcoming Conference for Chief FOIA Officers and FOIA Professionals

OIP is hosting a training conference for agency Chief FOIA Officers and FOIA professionals from all departments and agencies to discuss ways to improve FOIA performance. This conference will build on the lessons learned and experiences shared by agencies that participated in OIP’s FOIA Technology Working Group and our FOIA Best Practices Working Group. As we near the final quarter of the fiscal year, it is important for agencies to renew their focus on reducing backlogs, improving timeliness, reducing the age of their oldest requests and increasing releases. The details for this training are: Chief FOIA Officers and FOIA Professionals Conference June 30, 2010 Department of Commerce Auditorium 14th and Constitution Avenue, NW (main entrance on 14th Street) 10:00 am - noon Open to agency Chief FOIA Officers and principal FOIA contacts No pre-registration is required, but you must present your government ID to enter the building.  Questions regarding the conference may be directed to OIP’s Training Officer, Bertina Adams Cleveland, at (202) 514-1010.
Updated August 6, 2014
