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Press Release
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Attorney General Jeff Sessions has appointed Ilene J. Lashinsky as the U.S. Trustee for Kansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma (Region 20) for an interim period, and Paul A. Randolph as the Acting U.S. Trustee for Kentucky and Tennessee (Region 8), the Executive Office for U.S. Trustees (EOUST) announced today. These appointments will be effective April 29, upon the retirement of Samuel K. Crocker, the current U.S. Trustee for these two Regions.
Ms. Lashinsky is the U.S. Trustee for the District of Arizona (Region 14), and Mr. Randolph is the Assistant U.S. Trustee in the U.S. Trustee Program’s St. Louis office. Under 28 U.S.C. § 585, the Attorney General may fill U.S. Trustee vacancies by appointing another individual to serve as an Acting U.S. Trustee or by designating an incumbent U. S. Trustee to serve in a second region. Both Ms. Lashinksy and Mr. Randolph bring a wealth of experience to these positions, having served in the U.S. Trustee Program for 16 and 28 years, respectively.
“On behalf of the U.S. Trustee Program, I congratulate and thank Mr. Crocker for his many years of invaluable service to the bankruptcy system, both as the U.S. Trustee and formerly as a private trustee,” said USTP Director Cliff White. “I also am grateful to our colleagues Ms. Lashinsky and Mr. Randolph for their commitment to the mission of the Program and their willingness to assume these additional roles.”
The U.S. Trustee Program is the component of the Justice Department that protects the integrity of the bankruptcy system by overseeing case administration and litigating to enforce the bankruptcy laws. The USTP has 21 regions and 92 field office locations. Region 8 is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee with additional offices in Chattanooga and Nashville, Tennessee, and Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky. Region 20 is headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, with additional offices in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Albuquerque, New Mexico.