Blog Post
U.S. Attorney’s Office Observes National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Fair to Honor Victims & Survivors
In observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, On April 10, 2018, the Office hosted a presentation and resource fair to honor victims and survivors. The office, in partnership with Mount Saint Mary’s University, hosted a victim rights presentation and a resource fair with the goal of ensuring that every crime victim has access to services and support. The event honored victims and their advocates, and highlighted services available to victims of crime.
United States Attorney Nick Hanna was joined at the event by AUSA Lana Morton-Owens, Human Trafficking Coordinator and representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, the Los Angeles Police Department, and non-profit victim support service organizations. The Pet Prescription Team made a presentation on how therapy dogs can provide vital support to crime victims. The speakers emphasized how law enforcement, mental-health professionals, community-based organizations and local residents can work in tandem to support crime victims. The Resource Fair included representatives from the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking; the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children; the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office, Crisis Response Team (CRT); Strength United; the YWCA of Los Angeles; and the Los Angeles LGBTQ Center.
Updated January 20, 2021
Community Outreach