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Blog Post

Indian Country Law Enforcement and Coordination and Outreach – New Mexico Tribal-State Judicial Consortium

Supervisory AUSA Kyle Nayback participated in the quarterly meeting of the New Mexico Tribal-State Judicial Consortium, which was held at the Bernalillo Metropolitan Court. The Consortium grew out of a subcommittee of the Court Improvement Project on child welfare several years ago and was formally recognized by the New Mexico Supreme Court as one of its advisory committees in 2006. Equal numbers of Tribal and State Judges represent the various Pueblos, Tribes, and levels of New Mexico Courts on the Consortium; the U.S. Attorney’s Office participates in a liaison capacity. The Consortium provides a forum to help raise awareness among Tribal and State Courts about jurisdictional matters.

Updated January 19, 2021

Community Outreach
Indian Country Law and Justice