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Blog Post

Indian Country Outreach – PBS Native America Calling Call-In Program on Sex Offenders in Native America

On June 27, 2016, Assistant U.S. Attorney/Tribal Liaison David Adams participated in a Native America Calling radio call-in program about sex offenders in Native America.  The issues covered during the hour-long program included:  issues sex offenders face when returning to their Native communities, including privacy, stigma and employment; issues tribes confront in tracking and monitoring sex offenders; recidivism by offenders; the Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORNA) system and how it works in Indian Country; and sex crimes in Indian Country.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Adams was part of a discussion that included Marnie Dollinger, senior policy advisory for DOJ’s SMART office that was moderated by Associate Producer Andi Murphy.  Media/Outreach Assistant Alyssa Ferda coordinated the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s social media for the program.

Native America Call In Show

Updated January 19, 2021