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Blog Post

US Attorney's Office First Annual Winter Coat Drive

The first annual Rhode Island U.S. Attorney’s Office (RI-USAO) coat drive took place yesterday, January 18th, in the public square of Kennedy Plaza in Providence. The staff in the U.S. Attorney’s Office donated more than 75 new and used winter gear items!

The winter gear drive was spearheaded by the RI-USAO Diversity Committee, which aims to reach out and serve the needs of the greater community of Rhode Island. The distribution of the coats and winter gear was facilitated by Diversity Committee members. On a frigid afternoon, hot chocolate, coffee, and snacks were made available for folks passing through the park, during which the coats were made available for distribution.

United States Attorney Zachary Cunha joined the initiative and remarked: “I’m tremendously proud of my colleagues who came up with a great idea and volunteered to make the first annual USAO coat drive for our neighbors in need such a success.”

Community members were encouraged to browse and take a coat for free, and some individuals took the time to engage with USAO attorneys and staff members and voice their thanks for the office’s role in keeping communities safe in the administration of justice.


AUSA Bloom handing a coat
Coats lined up
People take coats
ZC hot chocolate
Bethany with coats


Updated January 20, 2025

Community Outreach