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North Macedonia: ICITAP Facilitates North Macedonian Passenger Information Unit Visit to U.S. Customs and Border Protection National Targeting Center

From December 9 to December 11, six members of the North Macedonian Passenger Information Unit (PIU) were invited to the National Targeting Center at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), where they were able to work collaboratively to further the use of automated targeting systems. The ICITAP Automated Targeting System - Global (ATS-G) program has worked to build and strengthen the connections between the CBP and international partners in support of continued cooperative efforts to enhance counterterrorism programs, along with providing event and logistical support. This exchange of ideas and practices in open forum discussion allowed for the North Macedonian PIU to share the updates to the North Macedonian targeting rules and allowed for feedback by CPB and planning for the future of automated targeting in the region to combat terrorism and other cross border criminal issues. The PIU was also able to meet with ICITAP leadership to discuss achievements of the PIU ATS-G program and future areas of growth. This association program is supported funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT) implemented by ICITAP and CBP.

Updated December 19, 2024