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Pakistan: ICITAP Delivers Two-Week Instructor Development Training for Master Trainers from Key Law Enforcement Partner Agencies

On January 26, ICITAP completed a two-week instructor development program and graduated 29 master-trainers from the Pakistani Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), the State Bank of Pakistan, and local prosecutors from the province of Punjab, Pakistan. This training is one component of ICITAP’s comprehensive anti-money laundering and terrorist finance program, which has four integrated training module overall. Twenty-nine attendees of mid to senior rank participated in the training, six of whom were women. ICITAP’s training addressed the fundamentals of adult education, lesson plan preparation, instruction techniques, training aids, public speaking recommendations, testing techniques, time-tested methodologies for engaging and challenging students and recommendations for handling problem situations in the classroom environment. Attendees conducted training presentations from the perspective of their individual agencies, each of which was documented with video aids and subsequently critiqued by the instructor and trainees using the video’s for training reinforcement. ICITAP’s training was overwhelmingly well received by the attendees who indicated that their training was comprehensive and beneficial to them in conducting future training of their organizations. Especially noteworthy were comments made by the Punjab prosecutors, an accomplished group of men and women highly skilled in public speaking who highlighted the benefits of the training they underwent. This agency recently completed construction of a new training academy where many of these ICITAP program graduates will be creating curriculum and delivering training operations for other prosecutors. The Director of the Punjab Prosecutors Training Academy has invited ICITAP to engage in a direct partnership with his academy, to conduct joint anti-money laundering and terrorism finance training at this facility, pending security review by U.S. security personnel. In Pakistan, ICITAP works with the support of and in coordination with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism.

Updated September 9, 2024