Translated Resources
CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)- مكتب خدمة العالقات مع الجمهور
CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)- البرارمج والخدرمات
Dialogue on Race (PDF)- إحداث تغيير في النزاع ووضع حلول من خلال الحوار حول العرق
Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)- العمل مع مجتمعات الهنود الأمريكيين وسكان ألاسكا الأصليين
Facilitating Meetings Around Community Conflict (PDF)- تقليل التوترات المجتمعية من خلال الاجتماعات الميسرة
Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)- خدمة المجتمعات خلال جائحة كوفيد-19
CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)- رسم بياني لخدمة العلاقات المجتمعية بشأن كوفيد-19
Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)- العمل مع خدمة العلاقات المجتمعية خلال جائحة كوفيد-19 - الأسئلة التي يتم الاستفسار عنها بشكل متكرر
Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) (PDF)- منع حوادث التحيز والكراهية والتصدي لها ضد مجتمعات الأمريكيين الآسيويين، وسكان هاواي الأصليين، ومجتمعات سكان جزر المحيط الهادي
Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)- تمكين مجتمعات الحرم الجامعي لتحديد القضايا ومعالجة النزاعات بشكل جماعي (روح الحرم الجامعي)
Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)- العمل مع مجتمعات الجامعات والكليات لمنع جرائم الكراهية وحوادث التحيز والتصدي لها
Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)- مساعدة المجتمعات المحلية في حل النزاعات من خلال الوساطة
Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)- المشار ة وبناء الشرا ات مع األمري يين الُمسلمين
Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF)- المشاركة وبناء الشراكات مع الأميركيين السيخ
Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)- تقليل الخطر أثناء األحداث العامة التخطيط للطوارئ
Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)- مارشاالت الحدث: الحفاظ على السالمة العامة أثناء األحداث
Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)- دليل أفراد المحافظة على أمن الفعاليات
School-Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)- تم ين الطالب لتحديد النزاعات المدرسية ومعالجتها بالتعاون
Bias Incidents and Hate Crimes Forum (PDF)- مساعدة المجتمعات على منع جرائم الكراهية واالستجابة لها
Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)- حماية أما ن العبادة
Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)- العمل مع ُمسلمين، والعرب، والسيخ، مجتمعات ال وجنوب آسيا والهندوس
Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)- العمل مع مجتمعات الــ إل جي بي تي كو
Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)- العمل مع أجهزة إنفاذ القانون والمجتمعات
Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disasters (PDF)- العمل مع المجتمعات التي تتأثر بالكوارث الطبيعية
Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)- معالجة الصراع القائم على اإلعاقة
Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)- ا في الحل ن طرفً قّدم طلبًا للتدريب الداخلي مع صانع سالم أمري ا
Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)- منشور تعزيز الشراكات بين الشرطة والمجتمع
City-SPIRIT (PDF)- منشور سيتي-سبيريت
CRS 事实数据单 - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
CRS 秋季实习宣传册 - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
CRS 项目与服务指南 - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
预防和应对针对亚裔美国人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民 (AANHPI) 社区的偏见和仇恨事件 - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Communities (PDF)
与美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民社区合作 - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
CRS COVID 19 图形 - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
在 COVID-19 大流行期间与社区关系服务 (CRS) 合作 - 常见问题 - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
在 COVID-19 大流行期间为社区服务 - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
与大学和学院社区合作,预防和应对仇恨犯罪和偏见事件 - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
授权校园社区协作识别问题和解决冲突(Campus-SPIRIT) - Campus-SPIRIT (PDF)
通过种族对话转变冲突并制定解决方案 - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
通过促进会议减少社区紧张局势 - Facilitating Meetings Around Community Conflict (PDF)
通过调解帮助社区解决冲突 - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation(PDF)
与 LGBTQ 社区共同工作 - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
与受自然灾害影响的社区共同工作 - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disasters (PDF)
与执法部门与 社区共同工作 - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
与穆斯林、阿拉伯、锡克、南亚和印度社区共同工作 - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
保护敬拜地 - Protecting Places of Worship Brochure (PDF)
公共活动过程中的风险减少应急计划 - Reducing Risk During Public Events Contingency Planning (PDF)
加强警察与社区伙伴关系宣传册 - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
城市-SPIRIT 宣传册 - City-SPIRIT (PDF)
学校 -SPIRIT 宣传册 - School-SPIRIT (PDF)
帮助社区防止和回应仇恨犯罪 - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
活动司仪培训宣传册 - Event Marshals Training Brochure (PDF)
事件协调员指南 - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
融合并建立与穆斯林美国人的伙伴关系 - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
融合并建立与锡克美国人的伙伴关系 - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
解决因残疾而引发的冲突 - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
社區關係服務處 - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
社區服務處 - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
幫助社區 預防仇恨犯罪並對其作出反應 - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
降低公共活動中的風險: 應急規劃 - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
事件協調員指南 - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
為學生賦權 以合作識別並處理學校衝突 - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (School-SPIRIT) (PDF)
預防和應對針對亞裔美國人、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民 (AANHPI) 社區的偏見和仇恨事件 - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Communities (PDF)
與美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民社區合作 - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
CRS COVID 19 圖形 - COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
在 COVID-19 大流行期間與社區關係服務 (CRS) 合作 - 常見問題 - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
在 COVID-19 大流行期間為社區服務 - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
授權校園社區協作識別問題和解決衝突(Campus-SPIRIT)- Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
與大學和學院社區合作,預防和應對仇恨犯罪和偏見事件 - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
通过促进会议减少社区紧张局势 - Facilitating Meetings Around Community Conflict (PDF)
通过种族对话转变冲突并制定解决方案 - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
通过调解帮助社区解决冲突 - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
對當地社區的賦權 以合作識別和解決衝突 - City Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
透過教育和對話 - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
與受到自然災害影響的社區合作 - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
與LGBTQ社區合作 - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
與執法機構及社區合作,提升協作和合作 - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
CRS 秋季實習宣傳冊 - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
活動司儀培訓宣傳冊 - Event Marshals Training (PDF)
與受自然災害影響的社區共同工作 - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disasters (PDF)
與穆斯林、阿拉伯、錫克、南亞和印度社區共同工作 - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
融合並建立與穆斯林美國人的夥伴關係 - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
融合並建立與錫克美國人的夥伴關係 - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
解決因殘障而引發的衝突 - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
تعامل و ایجاد مشارکت با آمریکایی های مسلمان - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
مکاری با اجرای قانون و جوامع; - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
ایجاد مشارکت و همکاری با سیکهای آمریکایی - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF)
برگه اطلاعات مشخص در باره خدمات روابط اجتماعی - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
راهنمای برنامه ها وخدمات روابط اجتماعی - CRS Programs & Services (PDF)
بروشور برنامه پاییزی کارآموزی در خدمات روابط اجتماعی - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
بروشور تقویت پلیس و مشارکت های محلی - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
بروشور دوره آموزشی مارشال های رویداد - Event Marshals Training Brochure (PDF)
راهنمای مارشال رویداد - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
پیشگیری و پاسخ به حوادث سوگیری و نفرت علیه جوامع آمریکایی های آسیایی، بومیان هاوایی و جزایره نشین اقیانوس آرام (AANHPI) - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Community (PDF)
توانمندسازی جوامع پردیس برای شناسایی مشترک مسائل و رسیدگی به درگیری ها - Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
همکاری با جوامع دانشگاهی و کالج برای پیشگیری و واکنش به جنایات ناشی از نفرت و حوادث سوگیری - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
خدمت به جوامع در طول همهگیری کووید-۱۹ - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
گرافیک کووید ۱۹ خدمات روابط اجتماعی (CRS) - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
کار با خدمات روابط اجتماعی (CRS) در طول همه گیری کووید-۱۹ - سوالات متداول - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
تغییر درگیری و توسعه راه حل ها از طریق گفتگو در مورد نژاد - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
بروشور شناسایی مشکلات شهر و حل و فصل مشترک مشکلات - City-SPIRIT (PDF)
کاهش تنش های جامعه از طریق جلسات تسهیل شده - Facilitating Meetings Around Community Conflict (PDF)
کمک به جوامع برای حل درگیری ها از طریق میانجیگری - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
همکاری با جوامع بومی سرخپوستان آمریکا و آلاسکا - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
رسیدگی به تنش و درگیری بر اساس ناتوانی - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
شناسایی و حل و فصل مشترک مشکلات مشکلات دانش آموزان - School-SPIRIT (PDF)
کار با جوامع آسیب دیده از بلایای طبیعی - Working With Communities Affected by Natural Disasters (PDF)
کار با جوامع الجیبیتی برای ایجاد جوامع امن تر و صلح آمیز تر - Working With LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
کار با جوامع مسلمان، عرب، سیک، آسیای جنوبی و هندوها - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
کاهش خطر در هنگام رویدادهای عمومی برنامه ریزی پیشامد احتم - Reducing Risk During Public Events (PDF)
کمک به جوامع جلوگیری و پاسخگویی به جنایات نفرت محور - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
محافظت از مکانهای عبادت - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
Sèvis Relasyon Kominote - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
Pwogram ak Sèvis yo - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
Redwi Risk Pandan Aktivite Piblik yo: Planiifikasyon Enprevi - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
Marshals pou Aktivite: Kenbe Sekirite Piblik Pandan Aktivite Yo - Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)
Sipòte Elèv yo - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Pwoteksyon Plas Adorasyon yo - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
Travay ak Kominote LGBTQ yo - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
Travay ak Lapolis Kominote yo - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
Travay ak Kominote yo ki Afekte nan Dezas Natirèl - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
Aprann devlope Konfyans Nan patenarya ak Lapolis ak Kominote - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
Sipote Kominote Lokal yo - City Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (City-SPIRIT) (PDF)
Adrese konfli ki baze sou enfimite - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
Angaje ak Bati Patenarya ak Ameriken Sikh yo - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
Angaje ak bati Patenarya ak Mizilman Ameriken yo - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
Bwochi Estaj CRS pou Otòn - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
Ede Kominote yo Evite ak Reponn a Krim Rayisans - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
Travay avèk kominote Mizilman, Arab, Sikh, Sid Azi ak Endou yo - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
सामुदावयक संबंध सेिा - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
कार्यक्रम और सेवाए - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
एशियाई अमेरिकी, मूलनिवासी हवाई, और प्रशांत द्वीप वासी (AANHPI) समुदाय के विरुद्ध पूर्वाग्रह और घृणा की घटनाओं को रोकना और उनका जवाब देना - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Community (PDF)
COVID-19 महामारी के दौरान समुदायों की सेवा करना - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
नस्ल संबंधों पर बातचीत के माध्यम से संघर्ष को बदलना और समाधान विकसित करना - Transforming Conflict and Developing Solutions Through Dialogue on Race (PDF)
अमेरिकी इंडियन और अलास्का मूलनिवासी समुदायों के साथ कार्य करना - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
COVID-19 महामारी के दौरान सामुदायिक संबंध सेवा (CRS) के साथ काम करना - अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
घृणा अपराधों और पूर्वाग्रह की घटनाओं को रोकने और उनका जवाब देने के लिए विश्वविद्यालय और कॉलेज समुदायों के साथ काम करना - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
CRS COVID 19 ग्राफिक - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
सुविधाजनक बैठकों के माध्यम से सामुदायिक तनाव को कम करना - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
कैंपस समुदायों को सहयोगात्मक रूप से मुद्दों की पहचान करने और संघर्षों का सामना करने के लिए सशक्त बनाना (कैंपस-SPIRIT) - Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
इवेंट मार्शल गाइड - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
मध्यस्थता के माध्यम से संघर्षों को सुलझाने में समुदायों की मदद करना - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
सार्वजनिक कार्वक्रमों के दौिाि जोखिम कम कििा: आकस्मिक योजना - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
इर्ेंट मािवल: घटनाओंके दौरान सार्वजननक सुरक्षा बनाए रखना - Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)
छात्रंकर सशक्त बनाना - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
समुदाय ंकी मदद नफरत के अपराध ोंक र केंऔर जवाब द - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
पूजा केस्थानों की रक्षा करना - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
मुस्लिम, अिब, वसख, दविण एवियाई औि व ंदू समुदाय के साथ काम किना - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
अवधक सुिवित शांत समुदाय बनाने के विए - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
कानून प्रिर्तन औि समुदाय ं के साथ काम किना - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
प्राकृ विक आपदाओं सेप्रभाविि समुदायों केसाथ काम - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
समाधान का विस्सा बन - CRS Fall Internship (PDF)
विकलांगता के आधाि पि संघर्षको संबोवधत किना - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
पुलिस और सामुदायिक भागीदारी को मजबूत बनाना ब्रोशर - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
मुस्लिम अमेरिकियों को जानना और उनसे साझेदारी निर्माण - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
सिख अमेरिकियों को जानना और उनसे साझेदारी निर्माण - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
सिटी- SPIRIT ब्रोशर - City-SPIRIT Brochure (PDF)
Barnaamijyada CRS iyo Hagaha Adeegyada - CRS Programs and Services (PDF)
Buugyaraha City-SPIRIT - City-SPIRIT Brochure (PDF)
Buugyaraha CRS ee Tababarista Jiilaalka - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
Buugyaraha School-SPIRIT - School-SPIRIT Brochure (PDF)
Buugyaraha Tababaritaanka Askarta Xafladda - Event Marshals Training Brochure (PDF)
Buugyaraha Xoojinta Booliiska iyo Lashaqaynta Jaaliyadda - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships Brochure (SPCP) (PDF)
Caawinta Bulshada Kahortagga iyo ka Jawaabidda Dambiyada - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (SPCP) (PDF)
Dhisitaanka Iskaashiga Mareykanka Siigga ah - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
La Howlgelidda iyo Dhisidda Iskaashiga Muslimka Mareykanka - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
Difaaca Meelaha Macbadka Si Wadahadal iyo Waxbarasho ah - Protecting Places of Worship Brochure (PDF)
La Shaqeynta Bulshooyinka Musiibada Saameysay - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disasters (PDF)
La shaqeynta Bulshooyinka Muslimka Carabta - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
La shaqeynta Nabad Sugidda & Bulshada si loo adkeeyo Iskaashiga - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
La Shaqaynta Bulshooyinka LGBTQ - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
Wax kaqabashada Iskudhac ku Saleysan Naafanimo - Addressing Conflicts Based on Disability (PDF)
Xaashida Xaqiiqada CRS - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
Yareynta Khatarta Xiliga Munaasabadda Qorsheynta Diyaar - Reducing Risk During Public Events Contingency Planning (PDF)
CRS COVID-19 sawiro - CRS COVID-19 Inforgraphic (PDF)
Tusmada Kormeeraha Munaasabada - CRS Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
Hoos U dhigista Rabshadaha Bulshada ayadoo la Adeegsanaayo Kulanno Dhex-dhexaadin ah - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
Xoojinta Bulshooyinka Xarunta Jaamacada si ay Qaab Wadajir ah ugu Aqoonsadaan uguna Xaliyaan Rabshada - CRS Campus-SPIRIT (PDF)
Ka caawinta Bulshada Xalinta Rabshadaha ayagoo Adeegysanaaya Dhex-dhexaadin - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
Kahortaga iyo Gurmadka ku aadan Dhacdooyinka Eexda iyo Nacaybka Ku salaysan ee ka dhanka ah Bulshooyinka Eeshiyaan Ameerikaanka ah, Dhaladka Hawaii, Jasiirada Baasiga ah - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Communities (PDF)
U adeegaaya Bulshooyinka inta lagu jiro aafada caabuqa COVID-19 - Serving Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
Xalinka Rabshada iyo Abuurista Xalal ayadoo la adeegsanaayo Wada hadal ku aadan Isirka - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
Ayaa kala shaqaynaaya Bulshooyinka Hindida Maraykanka iyo Dhaladka Alaska si Xal Loogu Helo Rabshada iyo Dagaalka - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
La Shaqaynta Adeegga Xariirada Bulshada (CRS) inta lagu jiro aafada caabuqa COVID-19 Su'aalaha Badanaa Nala Waydiiyo - COVID-19 FAQs (PDF)
Ayaa la shaqayn doona Bulshooyinka Jaamacada iyo Kuleejka - Working with University and College Communities (PDF)
지역사회 관계 서비스 - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
프로그램 및 서비스 - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
아시아계 미국인, 하와이 원주민, 태평양 섬 주민(AANHPI) 지역사회에 대한 편견 및 증오 사건 예방 및 대응 - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Community (PDF)
코로나 19 팬데믹 기간 동안 지역사회에 봉사 - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
를 통하여 갈등을 전환하고 솔루션 개발 - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
아메리칸 인디언 및 알래스카 원주민 지역사회와 협력 - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
코로나19 팬데믹 기간 동안 지역사회 관계 서비스(CRS)와 협력 - 자주 묻는 질문 - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
대학 및 대학 커뮤니티와 협력하여 증오 범죄 및 편견 사건 예방 및 대응 - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
CRS 코로나19 그래픽 - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
회의 진행을 통해 지역사회 긴장 완화 - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
협력적으로 문제를 식별하고 갈등을 해결할 수 있도록 캠퍼스 지역사회의 역량 강화(Campus-SPIRIT) - Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
이벤트 마샬 가이드 - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
지역사회가 조정을 통해 갈등을 해결하도록 지원 - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
시크교 미국인들과 참여 및 협력 관계 구축하기 - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF)
공공행사 중 위험 줄이기: 비상사태계획 - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
행사 진행요원들: 행사 중 공공안전을 유지하기 - Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)
협동적으로 교내 갈등을 - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
증오 범죄 방지 및 대응을 위하여 지역사회 돕기 - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
예배 장소 보호하기 - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
더 안전하고 더욱 평화로운 지역사회를 - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
파트너십과 협동향상을 위해 - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
자연재해의 영향을 받은 지역사회들과 협력하기 - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
해결책의 일부가 되십시오 - CRS Fall Internship (PDF)
지역사회가 장애와 관련된 증오 범죄를 - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
경찰과 지역사회 파트너십 강화 책자 - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
무슬림 미국인들의 참여 및 파트너십 구축 - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
무슬림, 아랍, 시크, 남아시아 및 힌두 지역사회와 협력 - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
시티-스피리트 책자 - City-SPIRIT (PDF)
ਕਮਿਊਨਿਟੀ ਰਿਲੇਸ਼ਨਸ ਸਰਵਿਸ - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
ਪ੍ਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਅਤੇ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
ਅਮਰੀਕੀ ਸਿੱਖਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਭਾਈਵਾਲੀ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ ਅਤੇ - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF)
ਅਮਰੀਕੀ ਮੁਸਲਿਮਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਭਾਈਵਾਲੀ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰਨਾ - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
LGBTQ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ, ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾ ਸ਼ਾਂਤੀਪੂਰਨ ਭਾਈਚਾਰੇ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ - Engaging and Building Relationships with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
ਇਵੈਂਟ ਮਾਰਸ਼ਲ: ਇਵੈਂਟਾਂ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਜਨਤਕ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਆ ਕਾਇਮ ਰੱਖਣਾ - Event Marshals Training (PDF)
ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਸ਼ਕਤ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ - School-SPIRIT (PDF)
ਸਥਾਨਕ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਸ਼ਕਤ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ - City-SPIRIT (PDF)
ਧਰਮ ਸਥਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਕਰਨੀ - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
ਮੁਸਲਿਮ, ਅਰਬੀ, ਸਿੱਖ, ਦੱਖਣੀ ਏਸ਼ੀਆਈ, ਅਤੇ ਹਿੰਦੂ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
ਕਨੂੰਨ ਅਮਲੀਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
ਅਯੋਗਤਾ ‘ਤੇ ਆਧਾਰਿਤ ਵਿਵਾਦਾਂ ਦਾ ਹੱਲ ਕਰਨਾ - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਨਫ਼ਰਤ ਅਪਰਾਧਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਰੋਕਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣਾ - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
ਹੱਲ ਦਾ ਹਿੱਸਾ ਬਣੋ - CRS Fall Internship (PDF)
ਜਨਤਕ ਇਵੈਂਟਾਂ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਜੋਖਮ ਘਟਾਉਣਾ: ਸੰਕਟਕਾਲੀਨ ਯੋਜਨਾਬੰਦੀ - Contingency Planning: Reducing Risk During Public Events (PDF)
CRS ਉਹਨਾਂ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਦਾ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਕੋਵਿਡ-19 ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਿਤ ਪੱਖਪਾਤ ਦੀਆਂ ਘਟਨਾਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਨਫ਼ਰਤੀ ਅਪਰਾਧਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੋਕਥਾਮ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕਿਰਿਆ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੰਮ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ। - CRS COVID-19 Inforgraphic (PDF)
ਇਵੈਂਟ ਮਾਰਸ਼ਲ ਗਾਈਡ - CRS Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
ਸੁਵਿਧਾਜਨਕ ਮੀਟਿੰਗਾ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਕ ਤਣਾਅ ਨੂੰ ਘੱਟ ਕਰਨਾ - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
ਕੈਂਪਸ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰੱਥ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ - CRS Campus-SPIRIT (PDF)
ਵਿਚੋਲਗੀ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਟਕਰਾਅ ਦੇ ਹੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਨਾ - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
ਏਸ਼਼ੀਅਨ ਅਮਰੀਕਨ, ਮੂਲ ਹਵਾਈਅਨ, ਅਤੇ ਪੈਸੀਫਿਕ ਆਈਲੈਂਡਰ (AANHPI) ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਖਿਲਾਫ ਪੱਖਪਾਤ ਅਤੇ ਨਫ਼ਰਤੀ ਘਟਨਾਵਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੋਕਥਾਮ ਕਰਨਾ ਅਤੇ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਖਿਲਾਫ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਕਿਰਿਆ - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Communities (PDF)
COVID-19 ਮਹਾਂਮਾਰੀ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਨਾ - Serving Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
ਨਸਲ 'ਤੇ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਟਕਰਾਅ ਨੂੰ ਬਦਲਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਹੱਲ ਵਿਕਸਿਤ ਕਰਨਾ - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
ਅਮਰੀਕਨ ਇੰਡੀਅਨ ਅਤੇ ਅਲਾਸਕਾ ਦੇ ਮੂਲ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਦਿਆਂ ਟਕਰਾਅ ਅਤੇ ਤਣਾਅ ਦਾ ਹੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
ਕੋਵਿਡ-19 ਮਹਾਂਮਾਰੀ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕਮਿਊਨਿਟੀ ਰਿਲੇਸ਼ਨਸ ਸਰਵਿਸ (CRS) ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ - COVID-19 FAQs (PDF)
ਨਫ਼ਰਤੀ ਅਪਰਾਧਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਪੱਖਪਾਤ ਦੀਆਂ ਘਟਨਾਵਾਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੋਕਥਾਮ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਅਤੇ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਾਲਜ ਭਾਈਚਾਰਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ - Working with University and College Communities (PDF)
Serviço de Relações Comunitárias - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
Programas e Serviços - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
Trabalhando com o Serviço de Relações Comunitárias (CRS) durante a Pendemia da COVID-19-Perguntas Frequentes - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Trabalhando com Comunidades de Universidades e de Faculdades para Prevenir e Responder a Crimes de Ódio e Incidentes de Preconceitos. - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
Gráfico COVID 19 do CRS - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
Diminuindo as Tensões Comunitárias Através do Facilitamento de Reuniões - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
Capacitando as Comunidades do Campus para Identificar Problemas e Resolver Conflitos de Forma Colaborativa (Campus-SPIRIT) - Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
Guia de Evento do Agente de Segurança - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
Auxiliando Comunidades a Resolver Conflitos Através de Mediação - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
Reduzindo Riscos Durante Eventos Públicos: Plano de contingência - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
Marechais de Eventos: Manutenção da Segurança Pública Durante Eventos - Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)
Empoderação de Alunos - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Empoderamento das comunidades locais - City Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Proteção de Locais de Culto - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
Trabalho com as comunidades LGBTQ - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
Trabalho com Autoridades Policiais e Comunidades - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
Trabalho com comunidades afetadas por desastres naturais - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
Construir a Confiança através de Parcerias Policiais e Comunitárias - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
Abordagem de conflito baseado em deficiências - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
Ajudando Comunidades Prevenir e Responder a Crimes de Ódio - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
CRS Folheto de Estágio do Outono - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
Engajando e Construindo Parcerias com Americanos Muçulma - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
Engajando e Construindo Parcerias com Americanos Siques - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
O trabalho com as comunidades muçulmanas, árabes, siques, sul asiáticas” e hindus - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
Servicio de Relaciones Comunitarias - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
Programas y servicios - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
Cómo prevenir y responder a incidentes de prejuicio y de odio contra comunidades de Asiáticos Americanos, Hawaianos Nativos y de las Islas del Pacífico (AAHNIP) - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Communities (PDF)
Cómo trabajar con los Indígenas Nativos de América y las comunidades Nativas de Alaska para atender el conflicto y la tensión - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
Participar y desarrollar alianzas con estadounidenses Sikh - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF)
Participar y desarrollar alianzas con estadounidenses musulmanes - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
Transformando conflictos y desarrollando soluciones mediante el diálogo sobre raza - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
Cómo reducir la tensión en la comunidad por medio de reuniones facilitadas - Facilitating Meetings Around Community Conflict (PDF)
Ayudando a las comunidades a resolver conflictos a través de la mediación - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
Cómo servir a las comunidades durante la Pandemia de COVID-19 - Serving Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
CRS apoya a las comunidades que trabajan en la prevención y respuesta contra los incidentes de prejuicio y los crímenes de odio relacionados al o COVID-19 - COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
Cómo trabajar con Servicios de Relaciones Comunitarias (CRS) durante la Pandemia de COVID.19 - COVID-19 FAQs (PDF)
Reducir el riesgo durante los eventos públicos: Planificación de contingencias - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
Alguaciles de eventos: Mantener la seguridad pública durante los eventos - Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)
Guía de Coordinación de Eventaos - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
Empoderar a los estudiantes - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Cómo trabajar con comunidades universitarias y de colegios universitarios para prevenir y responder a incidentes de crímenes de odio y prejuicio - Working with University and College Communities (PDF)
Empoderamiento de las Comunidades en el Campus para identificar los asuntos claves y atenderlos en colaboración - Campus-SPIRIT (PDF)
Empoderar a las comunidades locales - City Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Generar confianza A través de sociedades entre policía y comunidad - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
Ayudando comunidades a prevenir y responder a delitos de odio - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
Proteger lugares de culto - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
Trabajo con comunidades musulmanas, árabes, Sikh, del sudeste asiático e Hindú - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
Trabajo con las comunidades LGBTQ - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
Trabajar con autoridades del orden público y comunidades -Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
Trabajo con comunidades afectadas por desastres naturales - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
Abordar conflictos por motivos de discapacidad - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
Forme parte de la solución - CRS Fall internship (PDF)
kaugnayan sa kommunidad - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
Mga Serbisyo at Programa - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
Pagpigil at Pagtugon sa mga Pangyayaring Di-makatarungang Pagkiling at Pagkamuhi Laban sa Komunidad ng mga Asian American, Native Hawaiian, at Pacific Islander (AANHPI) - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Communities (PDF)
Paglilingkod sa mga Komunidad habang may Pandemyang COVID-19 - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
Pagbabagong-anyo ng Pagtatalo at Pagbubuo ng mga Kalutasan sa Pamamagitan ng Usapan Tungkol sa Lahi - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
Nagsasagawa katulong ng mga Komunidad na American Indian at Alaska Native - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
Pakikipagtulungan sa Paglilingkod para sa Ugnayan sa Komunidad (CRS) sa panahon ng Pandemyang COVID-19 - Mga Madalas Tanungin - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Nagsasagawa katulong ang mga Komunidad ng Unibersidad at Kolehiyo upang Pigilin at Tugunin ang mga Pangyayaring Krimen ng Pagkamuhi at Di-makatwirang Pagkiling - Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
Paglarawan ng CRS COVID 19 - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
Pagbawas ng Pagkabahala sa Komunidad Sa Pamamagitan ng mga Pinapadaling Pagpupulong - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
Pagbigay-kapangyarihan sa mga Komunidad ng Eskuwelahan na Sama-samang Kilalanin ang mga Usapin at Tukuyin ang mga Pagtatalo (Campus-SPIRIT) - Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
Gabay para sa Tagapangasiwa ng Pagdaraos - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
Pakipagtulungan sa mga Komunidad sa Paglutas ng Salungatan sa Pamamagitan ng Pagmamagitna - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
Pagbawas ng Panganib sa Pampublikong Pagtitipon Pagpaplano para sa Di-inaasahan - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
Binibigyan-Karapatan ang mga Lokal na Komunidad - City Site Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Pagbibigay Kapangyarihan sa mga Estudyante - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Pagbubuo ng Tiwala Sa Pamamagitan ng mga Ugnayan ng Pulisya at Komunidad - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
Tumutulong sa mga Komunidad Pigilin at Tumugon sa mga Krimen ng Kasuklaman - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
Pagpangangalaga ng mga Bahay-sambahan - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
Nagsasagawa sa mga Komunidad ng LGBTQ Upang Maglikha ng mga Mas Ligtas, Mas Mapayapang Komunidad - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
Nagsasagawa Kasama ng Nagpapatupad ng Batas mga Komunidad - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
Naglilingkod sa mga Komunidad Na Napinsala ng mga Kapahamakang Likas - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
Nakikitulungan sa Mga Komunidad na Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, at Hindu - Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF)
Pagtutukoy sa Pagtatalo Batay sa Kapansanan - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
Pakikipag-ugnayan at Pagtatag ng mga Samahan sa mga Musl - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
Pakikipag-ugnayan at Pagtatayo ng mga Samahan sa mga Sikh - Engaging and Building Partnership with Sikh Americans (PDF)
Polyeto ng Internship ng CRS sa Fall - CRS Fall Internship Brochure (PDF)
Polyeto ng Pagsasanay ng mga Marshal sa Pangyayari - Event Marshals Training Brochure (PDF)
Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF) - امریکی مسلمانوں کے ساتھ تعلقات بنانا اور شرکت کرنا
Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF) - سکھ امر یک یوں کے ساتھ رابطے اور شراکت داری قائم کرنا
Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF) - ای س پی سی پی
Event Marshals Training Brochure (PDF) - ایونٹ مارشل
Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF) - برادری کے ساتھ کام کرنا LGBT
Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF) - برادريوں کی مدد کرنا تاکہ وه يفرت پر مبنی جرائم کو روک سکيں اور ان سے نمٹ سکيں
CRS Fall Internship (PDF) - امريکہ کے پيس ميکر ميں انٹرن کيلئے درخواست ديں
School-SPIRIT (PDF) - اسکول ۔اسپرٹ
Protecting Places of Worship (PDF) - عبادت گاہوں کی حفاظت کرنا
Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Community (PDF) - ایشین امریکن، مقامی ہوائی، اور پیسیفک آئی لینڈر (AANHPI) کمیونٹی کے خلاف تعصب اور نفرت کے واقعات کی روک تھام اور ان کا تدارک کرنا۔
Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF) - کووڈ۔19 وباء کے دوران کمیونٹیز کی خدمت کرنا۔
Dialogue on Race (PDF) - تنازعات کو تبدیل کرنا اور نسل پر مکالمے کے ذریعے حل تیار کرنا
Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF) - امریکی انڈینز اور الاسکا کی مقامی کمیونٹیز کے ساتھ کام کرنا
Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) - کووڈ۔ 19 وباء کے دوران کمیونٹی ریلیشنز سروس (سی آر ایس) کے ساتھ کام کرنا۔ اکثر پوچھے گئے سوالات
Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF) - نفرت اور تعصب پر مبنی واقعات کی روک تھام اور ان کے تدارک کیلئے یونیورسٹیوں اور کالجوں کی کمیونٹیز کے ساتھ کام کرنا۔
CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF) - سی آر ایس کووڈ۔19 گرافک
Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF) - سہولتی میٹنگز کے ذریعے کمیونٹیز میں تناؤ کو کم کرنا۔
Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF) - کیمپس کمیونٹیز کو بااختیار بنانا تاکہ باہمی تعاون سے مسائل کی نشاندہی کریں اور تنازعات کو حل کریں
Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF) - ایونٹ مارشل گائیڈ
Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF) - ثالثی کے ذریعے تنازعات کو حل کرنے میں کمیونٹیز کی مدد کرنا
Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF) - عوامی تقريبات کے دوران خطرے کو کم کرنا
Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF) - قانون کا نفاذ کرنے والے اداروں اور برادریوں کے ساتھ مل کر کام کرنا
Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disasters (PDF) - قدرتی آفات سے متاثر ہونے والی کمیونٹیز کے ساتھ کام کرنا
CRS Fact Sheet (PDF) - کمیونٹی ریلیشنز سروس (سی آر ایس)
CRS Programs & Services (PDF) - پروگرام اور خدمات
Working with Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, and Hindu Communities (PDF) - مسلم، عرب، سکھ، جنوبی ایشیائی اور ہندو برادریوں کے ساتھ کام کرنا
Addressing Conflicts Based on Disability (PDF) - معذوری کی بنياد پر تنازعہ حل کرنا
City-SPIRIT (PDF) - سٹی اسپرٹ
Sở Quan hệ Cộng đồng - CRS Fact Sheet (PDF)
Các Chương Trình và Dịch Vụ - CRS Programs and Services Guide (PDF)
Giảm Rủi Ro Trong Suốt Sự Kiện Công Cộng: Hoạch Định Kế Hoạch Dự Phòng - Reducing Risk During Public Events: Contingency Planning (PDF)
Cảnh Sát Sự Kiện: Duy Trì An Toàn Công Cộng Trong Suốt Sự Kiện - Event Marshals: Maintaining Safety During Public Events (PDF)
Tạo Năng Lực cho Sinh Viên - School Student Problem Identification and Resolution of Issues Together (SPIRIT) (PDF)
Giúp Đỡ Cộng Đồng Ngăn Chặn và Ứng Phó với Những Tội Ác do Thù Ghét - Helping Communities Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes (PDF)
Chuyển đổi xung đột và soạn ra các giải pháp thông qua đối thoại về chủng tộc - Dialogue on Race (PDF)
Đồ họa về COVID 19 của CRS - CRS COVID-19 Graphic (PDF)
Giảm căng thẳng cộng đồng thông qua các cuộc họp tạo điều kiện thuận lợi - Decreasing Community Tensions Through Facilitated Meetings (PDF)
Giúp cộng đồng giải quyết xung đột thông qua hòa giải - Helping Communities Resolve Conflicts Through Mediation (PDF)
Hướng dẫn duy trì trật tự đám đông - Event Marshals Tipsheet (PDF)
Làm việc với các cộng đồng người bản địa Mỹ và bản địa Alaska - Working with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (PDF)
Làm việc với các trường đại học và cao đẳng để ngăn ngừa và ứng phó với các tội ác do thù ghét và rắc rối do định kiến gây ra -Working with University and College Communities to Prevent and Respond to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents (PDF)
Phục vụ cộng đồng trong Đại dịch COVID-19 - Serving Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
Làm việc với Sở Quan Hệ Cộng Đồng (CRS) trong thời gian có đại dịch COVID-19 – Các câu hỏi thường gặp - Working with the Community Relations Service (CRS) during the COVID-19 Pandemic-Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Ngăn ngừa và ứng phó với các vấn đề định kiến và thù ghét người Mỹ gốc Á, người Hawaii bản địa và cộng đồng người dân đảo Thái Bình Dương (AANHPI) - Preventing and Responding to Bias and Hate Incidents Against Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Community (PDF)
Trao quyền cho các trường đại học để cùng nhau nhận biết vấn đề và cùng nhau giải quyết xung đột (Campus-SPIRIT) -Empowering Campus Communities to Collaboratively Identify Issues and Address Conflicts (Campus-SPIRIT) (PDF)
Bảo Vệ Nơi Thờ Phụng - Protecting Places of Worship (PDF)
Làm Việc với Các Cộng Đồng LGBTQ - Working with LGBTQ Communities (PDF)
Làm Việc với Ngành Chấp Pháp & Các Cộng Đồng - Working with Law Enforcement and Communities (PDF)
Làm Việc với Những Cộng Đồng Bị Ảnh Hưởng bởi Thiên Tai - Working with Communities Affected by Natural Disaster (PDF)
Giải Quyết Mâu Thuẫn Phát Sinh Từ Tình Trạng Khuyết Tật - Addressing Conflict Based on Disability (PDF)
Hãy Dự Phần vào Giải Pháp - CRS Fall Internship (PDF)
Bản thông tin về chương trình City-SPIRIT - City-SPIRIT (PDF)
Ban thông tin về chương trình Tăng Cường Hợp Tác Giữa Cả - Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships (SPCP) (PDF)
Làm Việc Với Các Cộng Đồng Hồi Giáo, Ấn Độ Giáo, Sikh Giáo, Ả Rập và Người Nam Á - Working with Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Arab, and South Asian Communities (PDF)
Tiếp Cận và Xây Dựng Mối Quan Hệ Đối Tác với Người Hồi G - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Muslim Americans (PDF)
Tiếp Cận và Xây Dựng Mối Quan Hệ Đối Tác với Người Mỹ Sikh - Engaging and Building Partnerships with Sikh Americans (PDF)