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Republic of Liberia

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports

  • State Department - Country Documents
    • Information on obtaining a Liberian passport and U.S. non-immigrant visa - Jan. 2001
    • Information on obtaining a laissez passer document at a Liberian consulate - July 1999

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBR105688.FE - Appearance and security features of birth certificates and death certificates; how to obtain these documents – July 2017

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Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Information on acquiring Liberian citizenship by virtue of marriage to a Liberian citizen. Whether a child has an entitlement to Liberian citizenship by descent. Whether a child born outside Liberia is entitled to Liberian citizenship. - Aug. 2011

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Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR34713 - April 2009
      1. Please advise if there is a special deal between Liberia and China re entry into and employment of persons.
      2. 6. Please provide brief information on the current political environment in Liberia.

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Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR34713 - April 2009
      1. Please provide information on passport procedures in December 2007 and whether it is possible to get a passport through connections or bribes.

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBR102834.E - Existence of a rebel group in the Monrovia area in 2007 and whether such a group forcibly recruits children - April 2008

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Coalition to Stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
  • Human Rights Watch
    • How to Fight, How to Kill: Child Soldiers in Liberia - Feb. 2004
    • Easy Prey: Child Soldiers in Liberia - Sept. 1994
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Information on acquiring Liberian citizenship by virtue of marriage to a Liberian citizen. Whether a child has an entitlement to Liberian citizenship by descent. Whether a child born outside Liberia is entitled to Liberian citizenship. - Aug. 2011

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US Government Reports

  • Congressional Research Service (CRS)
    • African Elections in 2020

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Non-Government Reports

  • World Directory of Minorities - 2016
  • World Directory of Minorities - Overview

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Fula

Ethnic Groups / Race - Krahn

US Government Reports

  • USCIS - Information on the Krahn ethnic group - Oct. 2000

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Kpelle

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR34713 - April 2009
      1. Please provide information on the Kpelle, including their traditional practices, and their location within Liberia.
      2. Is conversion to Christianity and refusal to adhere to traditional practices a problem for Kpelle living in Liberia?

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Kru

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR23755 - Oct. 2005
      1. Is the Kru tribe a minority in Liberia?
      2. Are the Kru a subgroup of any other language/ethnic group?
      3. Did the Kru support Prince Johnson or any other politician/faction?

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Mandingos

US Government Reports

  • USCIS - Information on which ethnic group an individual would identify with, if his mother was a Mandingo and his father was a Mano - Jan 1999

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Manos

US Government Reports

    • Information on which ethnic group an individual would identify with, if his mother was a Mandingo and his father was a Mano - Jan. 1999
    • Information On Whether Ethnic Manos, Who Did Not Support The National Patriotic Front Of Liberia (NPFL) During The War, Are Currently At Risk Of Harm Or Torture By The Taylor Government Upon Returning To Liberia - Jan. 1999

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Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBR104303.FE - Situation of single or divorced women living alone, particularly in Monrovia; whether they can find work and housing; support services available to them - Feb. 2013

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Liberia - Gender-based violence, including domestic violence and rape; information on prevalence, legislation, societal attitudes, access to state protection, and availability of support services; information on access to employment, housing and public services for victims who are single women without support network - July 2024

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Human Rights

US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR36017 - Jan. 2010
      1. Could you please update the security situation in Liberia? Has it improved since September 2009?
      2. Have there been any improvements to the police in recent months?
      3. Have there been any improvements to the court system in recent months?
    • LBR35260 - Aug. 2009
      1. Please provide information on state protection in Liberia. Would the police protect someone who refuses to be initiated into Poro (tattoos) by the family?
    • LBR30892 - Nov. 2006
      1. What is the current security situation in Liberia? Is it safe for those who fled during the civil war to return?
      2. Are people whose families were associated with the Taylor regime at risk of harm now?
      3. What is known of George Dwah (or Dweh etc) said to be the speaker of the Liberian parliament? Was he in LURD or MODEL? Are there any allegations that he is still pursuing those with whom he was in conflict during the war, or members of their families?

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Liberia - Treatment by society of people with HIV/AIDS - May 2024 

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International -
  • Amnesty International Profiles
    • The State of African Regional Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms 2019-2020 - Oct. 2020
    • Death Sentences and Executions 2019 - 2020
  • Freedom House
  • Human Rights Watch - 2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • Human Rights Watch
    • Trapped Between Two Wars: Violence Against Civilians in Western Côte d'Ivoire - Aug. 2003
    • Back to the Brink: War Crimes By Liberian Government And Rebels - May 2002
    • The Cycle of Abuse: Human Rights Violations Since the November Cease-fire - Oct. 2001
    • Human Rights Abuses by the Liberian Peace Council and the Need for International Oversight - May 1994
    • Waging War to Keep the Peace: The ECOMOG Intervention and Human Rights - June 1993
    • A Human Rights Disaster: Violations of the Laws of War by All Parties to the Conflict - Oct. 1990
    • Flight from Terror: Testimony of Abuses in Nimba County - May 1990

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Justice System

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR31837 - June 2007
      1. How strong is the rule of law throughout Liberia currently?
      2. Are state agencies able to protect people in rural areas?

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International Reports
    • Good Intentions are not enough: The Struggle to Reform Liberia's Prisons - Sep. 2011
  • Human Rights Watch Report
    • "No Money, No Justice" - Police Corruption and Abuse in Liberia - Aug. 2013
  • International Crisis Group

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  • An Act to Amend the New Penal Code Chapter 14 Sections 14.70 and 14.71 and to Provide for Gang Rape - Nov. 2004

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR30892 - Nov. 2006
      1. Is Clay Ashland in Montserrado County or Bomi County?

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Medical Availability

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Liberia - Treatment by society of people with HIV/AIDS - May 2024 
  • World Health Organization Page

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports

    • Information on the Liberia Unification Party (LUP), treatment of LUP members, treatment of family members of LUP members, and the possible execution of LUP activists in 1994 - Aug. 1999
    • Information on the current status of the National Teacher's Association of Liberia (NTAL) - Feb. 1999
    • Information On Whether Ethnic Manos, Who Did Not Support The National Patriotic Front Of Liberia (NPFL) During The War, Are Currently At Risk Of Harm Or Torture By The Taylor Government Upon Returning To Liberia - Jan. 1999
  • Congressional Research Service - Liberia: Political Transition and U.S. Relations - May 2018

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australia Refuge Tribunal - Research Response
    • LBR36800 - June 2010
      1. Please provide information about the NPP the NPFL and INPFL and their current status.
      2. Are people associated with these organizations, either personally or through family members, facing any threat or harm from the current government in Liberia?
      3. Please provide any background information about the political situation in Liberia over the past 30 years or so.
    • LBR34713 - April 2009 
      1. Please provide information on the Kpelle, including their traditional practices, and their location within Liberia.
      2. Is conversion to Christianity and refusal to adhere to traditional practices a problem for Kpelle living in Liberia?
      3. Please provide information on the NPFL and their use of child soldiers, including information on the peace agreement and their demobilization.
      4. Please provide information on passport procedures in December 2007 and whether it is possible to get a passport through connections or bribes.
      5. Please advise if there is a special deal between Liberia and China re entry into and employment of persons.
      6. Please provide brief information on the current political environment in Liberia.
    • LBR33407 - May 2008
      1. Information on General Prince Yormie Johnson including his background and activities as a rebel leader and information about any current political role as a Senator for Nimba County.
      2. Information on any ongoing ill-treatment by government of former political adversaries and their families and opportunities for such victims to seek and obtain protection.
      3. Summary of the current political situation in Liberia of any opposition parties.
    • LBR30892 - Nov. 2006
      1. What is the current security situation in Liberia? Is it safe for those who fled during the civil war to return?
      2. Are people whose families were associated with the Taylor regime at risk of harm now?
      3. What is known of George Dwah (or Dweh etc) said to be the speaker of the Liberian parliament? Was he in LURD or MODEL? Are there any allegations that he is still pursuing those with whom he was in conflict during the war, or members of their families?

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Information on the United Liberation Movement of Liberia including activities - Oct. 2010

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Refugees / IDPs

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR31837 - June 2007
      1. Are refugees and others who fled Liberia or were internally displaced during the war able to return to their homes and reclaim property?

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • International Crisis Group

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBR34713 - April 2009
      1. Is conversion to Christianity and refusal to adhere to traditional practices a problem for Kpelle living in Liberia?

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Sexual Orientation

US Government Reports

  • USCIS - Information on the Treatment of Homosexuals, Persons with Mental Illness, Liberians of American Descent, and Criminal Deportees in Liberia - Aug. 2001

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBR101545.E - Treatment of homosexuals; availability of state protection and the existence of organizations that help them. - July 2006

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Specific Country Issues - Armed Conflict

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Anti-Corruption Fight in Peril – Crackdown on Anti-Corruption Human Rights Defenders in West and Central Africa - July 2023
  • International Crisis Group
    • Tackling The Eye of the Regional Storm - April 2003

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Specific Country Issues - Female Genital Mutilation

Foreign Government Reports

  • Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo)
    • Female genital mutilation of women in West Africa - Jan. 2009

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Specific Country Issues - Secret Societies

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australia Refuge Tribunal - Research Response
    • LBR34713 - April 2009
      1. Please provide information on the Kpelle, including their traditional practices, and their location within Liberia.
    • LBR31837 - June 2007
      1. What evidence is there of the existence of the Neegee Society?
      2. Does the Society operate in particular provinces of Liberia and if so which ones?
      3. Is there any information about the purposes or practices of the Society?
      4. How are members of the Society recruited?
      5. Is there any information on leadership of the Society? Is there a group of elders (Zoes) and if so how are elders selected?
      6. Is there any documented evidence or research on recruitment and succession practices of any other secret societies in Liberia?
      7. What is the attitude of state authorities towards secret societies such as the Neegee Society? Are people found to be members of such a society punished in any way?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBR105687.FE - The Sande secret society, its activities, organization, leaders and consequences of refusing the role of leader; Sande’s power, its treatment of those who speak out against or oppose its practices; state protection for individuals threatened by Sande - Feb. 2017

Intergovernmental Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Liberia - Poro secret society - May 2024 

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organizations

  • Freedom House

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US Government Reports

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • COI Query - Liberia - Trafficking in human beings (THB) - Sept. 2024
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - Sub-Saharan Africa - 2009

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Not Available

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Updated September 26, 2024