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Appendix G - Immigration Court Language Data

Immigration Court Proceedings Completed by Language per Fiscal Year (FY) [19]

Language  2019  2020  2021  2022  2023 
Spanish  218,502 195,366 85,400 240,849 427,868
English  20,391 14,701 9,825 17,850 21,287
Portuguese  4,820 4,861 3,783 9,221 16,021
Mandarin Chinese  6,394 2,645 1,760 6,113 7,677
Punjabi  2,863 2,044 1,255 4,098 5,208
Haitian Creole  2,639 2,660 2,173 6,526 12,692
Other Languages [20] 23,222 18,325 9,588 28,977 45,031
Unknown Languages [21] 2,863 127 64 86 137
Total Case Completions 281,694  240,729 113,848 313,720 535,921

Immigration Court Hearing Languages per Fiscal Year (FY) 

Language  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Spanish 1,360,186  1,084,550 577,261 1,459,416 2,069,116
English 138,993 110,937 62,770 100,575 125,013
Portuguese 16,064 13,670 22,616 106,851 101,145
Mandarin Chinese 40,128 30,472 15,431 31,121 43,220
Punjabi 45,469 21,798 11,537 28,265 32,458
Haitian Creole 15,059 10,934 11,020 52,117 63,496
Other Languages 176,116 128,098 74,312 210,079 316,108
Unknown Languages 23,212 16,127 8,503 18,221 18,287
Total Hearings 1,815,227 1,416,586 783,450 2,006,645 2,768,843

Number of “Other Languages” in Immigration Court Proceedings per Fiscal Year 

Fiscal Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Other Languages in Immigration Court Proceedings 279 284 252 314 364






[19] EOIR staff frequently enter and update information into the case database, so the statistics provided in this Plan are subject to change. Please also note that statistics for FYs 2020 and 2021 may have been affected by operational disruptions caused by COVID-19.

[20] Other languages include the additional languages identified by individuals in proceedings as their best language that are not specifically identified in this table and excludes the unknown languages category.

[21] “Unknown Language” refers to cases in the EOIR database that do not identify a specific language. This code is used when the Notice to Appear, obtained from DHS, does not indicate the respondent’s best language. In other cases, EOIR is unable to determine the language because the respondent fails to appear at a scheduled hearing.