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Language Access Plan

E - Process to Translate Vital Documents

EOIR will prioritize the translation of vital documents determined by OP’s Assistant Director. This determination will be based on recommendations from LAWG, and other considerations such as intended audience, location where the information will be posted, and available funding. Classification of a document as “vital” depends upon the nature of the program, information, encounter, or service involved, and the consequence to the person with LEP if the information in question is not provided accurately or in a timely manner. Upon adoption of this Plan, the LAWG intends to review EOIR’s currently translated vital documents to determine whether additional vital documents should be translated, as permitted by pertinent statutes and regulations. EOIR’s LAWG will review vital documents annually to determine whether additional translations are needed. Within a year of adopting the revised Plan, and on an annual basis thereafter, each immigration court and the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) will review posted signs and notices and then recommend to the OCIJ or BIA CLAC whether additional languages are necessary for these postings.  

Upon adopting the revised Plan, the LAWG will begin to review EOIR’s external website (found at and, as appropriate, work with DOJ’s Office of Public Affairs (in consultation with the OP) and the DOJ Language Access Working Group to determine which additional pages or posted documents should be translated and into which language(s). Documents that EOIR will consider for translation include, but are not limited to, basic information about EOIR, press releases that significantly affect a particular community with LEP, and information about language access at EOIR. When EOIR translates its pages from English into another language(s), EOIR will strive to create an easily accessible webpage(s). LAWG will work with OIT and OP to complete a review of EOIR’s website and post translations for identified pages and documents within two years of adopting the revised Plan.