Guidance Documents
Institute of Makers of Explosives Safety Analysis for Risk (IMESAFR) (Presentation)
This presentation details the process for requesting a variance for deviating from the explosives regulations through use of a quantitative risk assessment software tool known as ‘Institute of Makers of Explosives Safety Analysis for Risk.’
General Variance Requests (Presentation)
This presentation details when a variance to deviate from the explosives regulations may be requested, to whom they may be issued, where to direct such requests and documentation from the requestor to assist in evaluation of those requests.
Federal Explosives Licensing Center (FELC) (Presentation)
This presentation provides an overview of the FELC’s responsibilities for reviewing and processing all new applications for federal explosives licenses and/or permits as well as renewals, the background check process, and ensuring sufficiency of information received.
ATF Procedure 2020-1- Recordkeeping procedure for non-over-the-counter firearm sales by licensees to unlicensed in-state residents that are NICS exempt
This ATF procedure gives guidance to licensees on how to complete the Firearms Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473, as revised effective May 2020, and record the sale of a firearm, when selling to an unlicensed person who a) has a valid alternate permit or otherwise is exempt from NICS requirements; b) resides in the same state as the licensee; and c) does not appear in person at the licensee's business premises. Supersedes ATF Procedure 2013-2.
ATF Procedure 2020-2- Recordkeeping and Background Check Procedure for Facilitation of Private Party Firearms Transfers (Supersedes ATF Procedure 2017-1)
This ATF procedure is to set forth the recordkeeping and NICS procedures for federal firearms licensees (FFLs) who facilitate the transfer of firearms between private unlicensed individuals. This procedure does not apply to pawn transactions, consignment sales, or repairs. Supersedes ATF Procedure 2017-1.
Advisory on the Application of Federal Laws to the Acquisition and Use of Technology to Detect and Mitigate Unmanned Aircraft Systems
This interagency Advisory – issued by the DOJ, FAA, FCC, and DHS -- is intended to help non-federal public and private entities better understand the federal laws and regulations that may apply to the use of capabilities to detect and mitigate threats posed by unmanned aircraft system operations, including provisions of federal criminal law.
COVID-19 QAAdministering CS in vehicle during COVID-19
Question and answer concerning DEA allowing certified health care providers to administer REMS-designated controlled substances to patients in parking lots at the health care providers DEA registered location.
QA Telemedicine - DEA Registration in other states
Question and Answer concerning registering with DEA and prescribing controlled substances in more than one state.
Civil Unrest QA, Bulk Destruction
Question and answer concerning the bulk destruction of controlled substances during the civil unrest.
Civil Unrest Q&A RE Transfer of Prescriptions
Question and answer concerning a pharmacists ability to dispense controlled substances during civil unrest.