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Preventing and Addressing Bullying and Intolerance: A guide for law enforcement


Preventing and Addressing Bullying and Intolerance: A guide for law enforcement is intended to be a primary resource for law enforcement officers who play a large role in helping to educate and support children and adults about: the problems resulting from bullying, teasing, and all forms of bias; ways to prevent and intervene in bullying situations; and how to break cycles of bullying and transform student behavior. It includes key definitions of bullying and intolerance, concrete strategies for law enforcement to partner with school leaders, and ideas for police officers, school and community leaders, and students to collaborate and take action together. Also featured are anecdotes from the Not In Our School campaign, an ongoing commitment to empower students to create safe and inclusive environments. The background information and strategies presented apply to young people from all ethnic groups and genders, and all ages, from preschool to high school.

Resource Type
Law Enforcement
Victim Advocacy Groups/General Community
Updated June 3, 2021