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FOIA Update: FOIA Training Opportunities

FOIA Update
Vol. IV, No. 2

FOIA Training Opportunities


Legal Education Institute: Information Law for Attorneys and Access Professionals, July 14-15, 1875 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., and Oct. 20-21, Denver, CO. Open to federal attorneys and access professionals. Contact: G. Michael Lennon, (FTS) 673-6372. No charge.


Implementation of FOIA and Privacy Act for FOI/PA Administrative Personnel, June 7-8, 600 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Debbie Mitchell Seldon, (FTS) 447-3247. Price: $175.


Northeast Regional Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, June 29-30, Boston, MA. Contact: Daniel J. Buckley, (FTS) 223-5786. Price: $175.

Southeast Regional Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, June 9-10, Atlanta, GA. Contact: Melvin B. Hayden, Jr., (FTS) 242-5193. Price: $150.

Southwest Regional Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, July 26-27, Dallas, TX. Contact: Yvonne Lindholm, (FTS) 729-8241. Price: $155.

Great Lakes Regional Training Center, Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, June 2-3, 230 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL. Contact: Charles V. Stout, (FTS) 353-2927. Price: $125.

Northwest Regional Training Center, Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, May 19-20, Seattle, WA; June 22-23, Boise, ID; July 11-12, Anchorage, AK, and Aug. 29-30, Portland, OR. Contact: Charles C. Cloos, (FTS) 399-7904. Price: $140.

Supervisory and Communications Training Center, Washington, D.C., FOIA and PA Workshop for Administrative and Secretarial Personnel, May 18-19 and July 28-29; Successful Implementation of FOIA/PA, June 21-22, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W. Contact: Gilbert N. Bobinchak, (FTS) 254-3211. Price: $225.

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Updated August 13, 2014
