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Holness v. Trump, No. 20-416, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35460 (D.D.C. Feb. 28, 2020) (Kelly, J.)


Holness v. Trump, No. 20-416, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35460 (D.D.C. Feb. 28, 2020) (Kelly, J.)

Re:  Plaintiff's assertion that defendants "'are legally responsible for withholding documents necessary for any criminal defense'"

Disposition:  Dismissing plaintiff's case

  • Litigation Considerations, Pleadings:  The court finds that "FOIA 'only authorizes suits against certain executive branch "agencies," not individuals.'"  "Apart from naming the wrong defendants, plaintiff does not allege that an agency has improperly withheld records responsive to a properly submitted FOIA request."  "Rather, plaintiff alleges that he requested documents 'twice (from the clerk of courts then FOIA), then filed a "Motion for Disclosure" in his criminal case . . . to no avail[] or even response.'"
Court Decision Topic(s)
District Court opinions
Litigation Considerations, Pleadings
Updated April 9, 2020