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Numann v. FBI, No. 22-00178, 2023 WL 3497931 (D. Alaska May 17, 2023) (Kindred, J.)


Numann v. FBI, No. 22-00178, 2023 WL 3497931 (D. Alaska May 17, 2023) (Kindred, J.)

Re:  Requests for records concerning plaintiff

Disposition:  Denying plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment

  • Litigation Considerations, Pleadings:  The court relates that “[a]fter Defendants allegedly failed to produce responsive documents, Plaintiff filed this lawsuit seeking to compel production.”  “Plaintiff claims ‘there are no genuine issues of material fact’ remaining but did not cite any portions of the record or submit any evidence in support of his Motion for Summary Judgment.”  “Further, the Court finds the record insufficient for the Court to decide whether Defendants properly discharged their obligations under FOIA.”  “As a result, based on this undeveloped record, summary judgment is not warranted.”
Court Decision Topic(s)
District Court opinions
Litigation Considerations, Pleadings
Updated June 12, 2023