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Attorney General at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Timothy A. WilliamsDirector, U.S. National Central Bureau – INTERPOL Washington


District of Columbia, DC
United States


Remarks as prepared for delivery.


Thank you, David.

It’s a pleasure to be here today and to administer the oath of office to the new Director of INTERPOL-Washington, Tim Williams. Director Williams understands the importance of addressing crime from a global perspective, and he is committed to using every tool at his disposal in that important effort.

Indeed, Director Williams’ experience as a fugitive investigator, instructor, task force commander, foreign attaché, community leader, and mentor, uniquely qualify him for this position.

Further, his personal understanding of the needs of law enforcement, and his proven skills as a collaborator, will make him highly effective in his new position.

I am confident that Director Williams’ experience, knowledge, and dedication will greatly enhance law enforcement’s ability to address transnational crime through unique partnerships made possible by INTERPOL, and by the hard work of people like Secretary General Ron Noble.

An inter-agency partnership like INTERPOL-Washington can only thrive with the strong commitment of the entire U.S. law enforcement community - - not only that of our Justice Department components, but also the cooperation of those within the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and other agencies that provide their expertise, and their human and financial resources.

Those among you who participate in this unique collaboration already recognize the value of sharing beyond a single agency mission, and beyond national boundaries. I want to thank you personally for all of your outstanding work.

Tim, as I invite you to come forward to take the oath, I also want to recognize and congratulate your family - - your wife, Roxanne, and your children, Andrew and Victoria. I know that their personal commitment to you has contributed greatly to your outstanding professional achievements - - and for that I sincerely thank them.

Director Williams, please come forward.

Updated March 11, 2016