Press Release
U.S. Attorney’s Office Awarded Funding for Reentry And Prevention Outreach Coordinator Positions to Further Department of Justice’s “Smart on Crime” Initiative
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of California
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of California announced today that it is seeking applications for two Reentry and Prevention Outreach Coordinators to work in the Sacramento and Fresno offices to help in the development and implementation of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Smart on Crime initiative.
The selected applicants will focus on reentry and prevention efforts as part of the office’s implementation of the Smart on Crime Initiative. Supporting effective crime prevention strategies and working to reduce recidivism among persons who have paid their debt to society and are rehabilitating and reintegrating back into their communities are key components of the initiative. Recidivism rates for offenders leaving prison are high. A reduction in the recidivism rate of even one or two percentage points can create long-lasting benefits for formerly incarcerated individuals and their communities.
“This office’s main function is, and will remain, the prosecution of serious and violent offenders,” said U.S. Attorney Wagner. “But prosecutions alone will not ensure public safety over the long term. This office has been increasing its involvement in community-based crime prevention and reentry strategies. I am very pleased that we are now hiring dedicated professionals to help lead these efforts. When hired, these persons should bring new expertise to this office, increasing our capacity to assist in prevention and reentry, while minimizing the impact on our prosecutorial resources.”
In 2013, then Attorney General Eric Holder launched a comprehensive review of the criminal justice system in order to identify reforms that would ensure federal laws are enforced more fairly and more efficiently. This review was part of the Department of Justice’s Smart on Crime Initiative, which has five principal goals: 1) ensuring that finite federal resources are devoted to the most important law enforcement priorities; 2) promoting fairer enforcement of the laws and alleviating disparate impacts of the criminal justice system; 3) ensuring just punishments for low-level, nonviolent convictions; 4) bolstering reentry and prevention efforts to deter crime and reduce recidivism; and 5) strengthening protections for vulnerable populations.
Since the initiative’s announcement, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District has worked with our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners to focus our federal prosecutions on those crimes and criminals in our district that pose the greatest threats to our citizens and involve clear federal interests. To support the implementation of the reentry and prevention aspects of the initiative, the office sought and was awarded funding for two specialist positions. The Reentry and Prevention Outreach Coordinators will help the office to engage with youth and with at-risk populations to help prevent criminal activity, and they will also work with other agencies to support programs and strategies to facilitate the reentry of convicted persons into our communities in ways that maximize their chances of becoming productive citizens. It is anticipated that one coordinator will be based in the Sacramento office and one in the Fresno office.
The job postings for the Reentry and Prevention Outreach Coordinator positions can be found at: for Sacramento and for Fresno.
Additional information on the Department of Justice’s Smart on Crime initiative can be found at:
The President, appearing in Newark, New Jersey today, announced a range of actions to promote rehabilitation and reintegration of formerly incarcerated persons. That announcement can be found at:
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Updated November 2, 2015
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