Environmental Justice and Enforcement
The United States Attorney’s Office for the Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands vigorously enforces the nation’s environmental laws to address environmental, health, and climate impacts on individuals and communities within its districts. Through its casework, the Office gives force and effect to national policy, embodied in Executive Order 14008, which recognizes that “we face a climate crisis that threatens our people and communities, public health and economy, and, starkly, our ability to live on planet Earth.” In accordance with this policy, the Office seeks to “hold polluters accountable for their actions,” and “combat the climate crisis with bold, progressive action that combines the full capacity of the Federal Government.”
Because environmental and health hazards often have a disproportionately high and adverse impact on disadvantaged communities, the Office has established an Environmental Justice Team within the Criminal and Civil Divisions. The Team focuses on protecting the rights of disparately burdened residents and is currently working to ensure that residents have access to clean air, a clean ocean, and to protect groundwater, surface waters, and wetlands across Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.
How to Contact the Office Regarding an Environmental Justice or Enforcement Matter
The Office welcomes information from the public regarding possible environmental, health, and climate impacts on individuals and communities in both districts. You may submit information or concerns regarding environmental justice by email, mail or phone.
Email: You can send your information or concerns by email to: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov *
Mail: You can send your information or concerns by mail to:
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands
Attn: Environmental Litigation
108 Hernan Cortez Ave Ste 500
Hagatña, Guam 96910
Phone: To submit a complaint by telephone, call 671-472-7332.